Monday, September 12, 2016


For false christs and false prophets will rise and show signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect. But take heed; see, I have told you all things beforehand.Mat. 24:24

Black days are coming down the road, Christ said it would be this way,
We better listen up and pay close attention to the things He had to say.
False christs and prophets are coming, and their purpose is to deceive.
We are to be prepared for this, and none of their doctrines receive. 
The devil is clever and tries very hard to catch those who are the elect, 
He is dangerous, and will try anything, because he has no respect. 
Jesus warned us long ago by telling us these things we should know,
And we trust that all will heed his words, and know these things are so. (RP)

We are having more of the same weather we have experienced for quite some time. Our summer has been unusual. We also have had practically no rain. It is unusual. Today and tomorrow will be in the 70's. It is amazing. We had a full day at church yesterday with a special speaker. Then we had a business meeting in the evening to update some of the projected plans for days ahead plus give a report concerning the pastoral search. It all takes time.  Thanks for praying.

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