Tuesday, May 14, 2013



The lot is cast into the lap, but its every decision is from the Lord. 
Proverbs 16:33

Decision were made in different ways back in the Bible times,
Casting a lot in one's lap seems strange, but so does flipping dimes.
In the good old days it worked this way: men wanted to do things God's way,
So when they cast lots, the decision was God's, and that made the outcome okay.(RP)

This morning Margie see the sleep specialist.  It is a routine visit. At this visit the c-pap machine computer chip will be analysed to see just how she's been doing sleep-wise.  She had a good night last night and we are glad for that. Yesterday I finished the final corrections encountered in the second revision of our Brazil book stories.  It is a challenge to keep going on this and see if we can get it to the publisher before July.  There is always plenty to do and as I have said before, when one is old it takes longer to finish. Thanks for praying. 

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