Saturday, May 11, 2013

Blessed sleep


John 14:14 
If you ask anything in My name, I will do it.

God's generous ways are touching when we come to Him in prayer,
He is open to our needs each day and never is unfair.
His children know they should not ask for things against His will,
So pray for things that honor Him and your request he will fulfill.(RP)

Margie had a wonderful sleep last night.  Yesterday she worked more on the Brazil book and also did some baking.  My brother Harold came by in the late afternoon for a bit to eat and have a delicious dessert Margie made.  I worked a good portion of the day on the memorial message that will take place this afternoon.  I also printed the memorial folders for the program.  I then folded them.  Our bible class in the morning was good with great participation from those present.  Our daughter-in-law Gina and her son Nathan and Monique dropped by for a short visit.  They were here to work on the reception for the memorial.  You can see it was a busy day.  Thanks for our prayers.

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