Tuesday, December 2, 2014


1 John 2:28 
And now, little children, abide in Him, that when He appears, we may have confidence and not be ashamed before Him at His coming.

Jesus is coming and we look forward to this; what a glorious day that will be,
To see Jesus is the dream of all who love him; what a day of joy and glee.
In this life we want to be sure of one thing: that we abide faithfully in Him,
Fellowship is sweet and when he appears, we will not be ashamed or grim.
So keep looking for Jesus who is coming soon, the time cannot be far away,
Be ready for Him with heart ready to go;for it could happen on this very day. (RP)

Yesterday and last night were very tense for us. Margie's pain level has increased. Apparently the therapy suggested by the E.R.doctor has not even begun to help. Bed for her is a misery. We are so thankful Tuesday has arrived and soon we will be on our way to see her doctor. We pray she will have some alternative treatment plan that can help Margie. Margie told me this pain does not compare with the dreadful suffering she had with the shoulder replacement surgery. It must be intense. We thank you for praying. We will let you know tomorrow how things go today.

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