Friday, October 24, 2014


. . . shine as lights in the world, holding fast the word of life.Philippians 2:15-16

One thing Christians can surely do, and it is such good work,
Be a light for Jesus where you are, and this duty do not shirk.
Let others know God's word, and eternal life that He gives,
Invite sinners to receive Him, for their sins He always forgives (RP)

It is Friday and off to class we go. We pray those who regularly attend will be able to be there today. With the weather let-up today perhaps it will be easier. The high winds have been a problem for some, and the heavy rains that accompanied them. Yesterday was a good day with Margie's visit to the hairdresser in the morning and the afternoon prayer meeting at church.  People are in the hospital and other sad news that causes us to reach out to others with Christian love and care. We trust your day goes well and thanks for your prayers.  

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