Tuesday, October 28, 2014


Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 
Mat 11:28

Oh the restless souls that surround us all around us in every place,
We pray they will meet the Savior and be saved by His loving grace.
Christ invites us to come to Him and receive spiritual rest today,
And those who come will find sweet solace not just now but everyday. (RP)

Every year on October 31, our church has the very popular parking lot party.  It is well done and there is much to do during those 2  hours it is open.  Much work goes into it.  Right now the crew is busy every day preparing for the great event.  Our main concern now is the weather. We are praying if it is the Lord's will, the rains will not come.  It has been raining every day and sometimes real hard.  The Friday night program is really an outreach to the lost.  It does work because we have the proof of it in our church.  Please pray with us about this.  Thanks for praying.  

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