Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Another session at the dentist

I don't want to be repetitive, but I must tell you that all went well at the dentist.  I had a root canal done on a molar tooth.  Let's pray it "takes" and will endure. I had to come right home and make another appointment with our regular dentist for him to prepare to put a crown on this tooth treated yesterday.  It's amazing that these two days (actually 3) will be the equivalent of a month's salary for a part time worker.  This is much different than the dental work done along the banks of the Amazon years ago when the only drill used was powered by a bicycle pedaling machine (made from bicycle pedals, we are sure).  Ouch, that drill didn't go very fast and you really felt it. I don't even think we had Novocaine either.   I haven't forgotten.   We leave shortly to take Margie to an orthopedist. She can scarcely get out of the chair because of severe pains in her knees.  Please pray she can get some help.  Yes, we have been to a FEW doctors this year.  I think we take first place in that contest. Thanks so much for praying.

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