Sunday, August 20, 2017


Psalm 34:3 Oh, magnify the LORD with me,And let us exalt His name together.

This verse so many newlyweds have chosen for their day,
And what a precious one it is to lead us along the way. 
Margie I have loved these words for 63 years,
And they have kept us in God's will through victory, joy and tears.
What a privilege to magnify the Lord along with the one you've wed,
And because of this God has been so good and put us right ahead.
Exalting Jesus has been our goal all along the road He chose,
And we have received abundantly from the blessings he bestows.(RP)

It was on our church platform we were married 63 years ago today. What a privilege for us to be in the same church serving our Lord. I will teach the Sunday School class on Joshua, attend the morning service, then take Margie out for lunch. We can only thank God for these wonderful years He has given us. Thank you all for praying. 

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