Saturday, November 5, 2016


Pure religion and undefiled  before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.  James 1:27 

People say they are religious, but they don't know what they say, 
God knows your heart completely and says so when you're not okay. 
Helping people who are troubled is true religion at its best, 
But God only counts that right when you do all at His behest.  
God honors those who are pure, because He has made them so,
So live for Jesus my dear friend and let His love to others show. (RP)

This morning Rawlie is here so we are leaving in a few minutes for Starbucks and will have breakfast at Haggen grocery store. After that I will shop for some things Margie needs for baking today. We had 3 new visitors to the class yesterday and the place was full. We are nearing the end of our Genesis study, then we will start the book of Matthew. We look forward to this. Yesterday I printed off more chapters of our Shepherd book so our friend Laurel can make corrections. Thanks for praying. 

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