Sunday, August 16, 2015


Watch, stand fast in the faith, be brave, be strong. 1 Corinthians 16:13

A call for courage comes today in these fine words from Paul,
We are to be watchful always in this worldly sin-packed sprawl.
Believers are to stand fast demonstrating faith to all who are here, 
Keeping in mind their position because we know His coming is near.
Be brave my brothers and sisters, our God will help you to be strong,
Remember we are to represent Jesus to the spiritually deprived throng.(RP)

One never knows what a day may bring. Margie's persistent sore on her ankle, and the sore on my left wrist, caused us to seek help at the walk-in-clinic. The doctor called mine a skin lesion and Margie's a pressure ulcer. He referred me to a dermatologist and Margie to the Wound Clinic. So Monday that's what I will be doing. I will get appointments for us at these places and see what comes next. In the meanwhile, I change Margie's bandage twice daily with a special ointment applied and wrapped well to keep things tidy. So goes our time. We are thankful for doctors, clinics and hospitals. We also look forward to going to church this morning. Thanks for praying. 

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