Thursday, November 20, 2014


Ps 37:23 
The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD, And He delights in his way.

When God saves us He helps us to do good,
And this truth by His children is understood.
We walk every day to please Him in everything, 
And thus to His name all praise and glory bring.
He delights in the good steps we take each day,
And our day is blessed as we meditate and pray(RP)

After Margie's scary fall yesterday, she continued on throughout the day, sore but determined. It was an awful crash to the floor. I had no idea what I would find when I got there. Thankfully she is not hurt worse. We pray she gets back to normal and the bruises and hurts disappear soon. She had a pretty good night and this morning is ironing the clothes. She insists on doing some of these chores. I used to do them but she has made wonderful progress since those dreadful days when she was so ill. Thanks so much for your prayers.  We appreciate them greatly. 

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