Saturday, October 5, 2013

What today?

You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength.   
Deut. 6:5
God demands our love and tells us so in words so very clear,
And we should quickly heed His call without worry or any fear.
With heart attuned to His sovereign will none can really go wrong,
And with soul in sync with His divine plan, we surely have a sweet song.
So claim His strength for your life today and see what He will do,
We know that His joy will empower you and you'll be thrilled through and through.(RP)

Each day brings its responsibilities and duties.  It seems our week has been busy and today we have plenty planned as well.  I am getting accustomed to my hearing devices.  They are high tech and are amazing.  I also got my new tri-focal glasses yesterday, so there are a few adjustments I am making these days.  Margie is busy on the phone now, contacting friends as she usually does on Saturdays. 
I may drop by the grocery store to see if they have any moderate priced bell peppers to stuff.  If so, that will occupy part of the morning also.  Never a dull moment.  Thanks so much for praying. 

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