Thursday, April 30, 2015


Matthew 18:3
 Jesus said, Assuredly, I say to you, unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven.

The faith of children is a delight, because they believe what they hear,
When Jesus is presented to them, they receive Him and are sincere.
Jesus instructed the crowds that their faith needed to be the same,
When they hear about Jesus, to be saved they must believe in His name.(RP)

Yesterday was a whirl of activity, trying to find the microwave we wanted. I went Online and read many reviews of microwaves and determined which one we should try. Finally after not being successful in the morning, at home I did more research Online and discovered, much to my surprise, they carried them in a well-known building supply store. I ordered one, paid for it and picked it up. The machine is nice and works well. We are pleased.  Margie was very tired after our run-around in town. Things calmed down in the evening and today we are off and running again. Thanks for praying. 
(Please visit our web page)

Wednesday, April 29, 2015


1 Corinthians 15:58 
Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.
The work of the Lord demands our best, and we should give it our all,
And know that the Lord gives strength for the task as we upon Him call.
Abounding in His work should be our daily goal;do it with all your might,
When you've finished your present task, then keep working while it is light.
God honors the service we do for Him; He rewards us for each thing done,
What joy to know our labor is not in vain when we do all for His dear Son.(RP)

Yesterday our microwave oven went out, Today we will search for one. There are so many brands. I have read reviews on several. So today will be busy as we also pay our property tax and get some necessary shopping done while we are in town.  We had a good day yesterday with a visit from friends in the morning and a nice lunch with other friends. We thank you for your prayers.   
(Please visit our web page)

Tuesday, April 28, 2015


Malachi 3:6 
For I am the Lord, I do not change.

In an age of endless changes and of innovations rare,
We should all be on our guard, and try to be aware.
At times we easily forget that our God changes not,
And He knows all about us, and even our very spot.
Thank God He never changes: He always is the same,
And for all His blessings to us, we praise His holy name.(RP)

Each day Margie does faithfully her home physical therapy routines. On some of them I help her. She is doing well and each time we visit the therapist, she gets a good report of progress.  Yesterday, Margie cleaned one of the bathrooms. Today she will do the other one. I am happy to do them but she insists because the doctor wants her to "keep in motion." Today we are guests of some friends for lunch so we look forward to this. I designed a class attendance record for the Friday Bible class yesterday. Now we have the template to use for all future classes. I was determined to get it right using Microsoft Excel. Thanks for your prayers.

Monday, April 27, 2015


Then, the same day at evening, being the first day of the week, when the doors were shut where the disciples were assembled, for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood in the midst, and said to them, 
Peace be with you.
 John 20:19
Fear is an awful thing, that besets many people today,
The disciples experienced it, so long ago on that day.
When we are fearful and tired and worn, we are in need,
Thank God Jesus is our peace, and will help you indeed.
Come, let Jesus calm your fearful and heavy-laden heart,
And when He does this, you will never want to depart. (RP)

Yesterday was a blessing at church. To start out, Margie was not feeling well and was very weak. She was determined to try to make it to church. She did. Our church is still without an elevator so it made it doubly hard for her to climb the stairs. But she made it and Jason Nightingale recited (from memory - as he always does) several chapters from Matthew and then did the book of James. It was a powerful demonstration.  We were glad to get back home where Margie could try to get some rest and have a leisurely afternoon.  I worked on the attendance record sheet for our Friday Bible study. Margie takes the roll and I make it in large letters so she can read it easier. Thanks for praying.  
(See our web page)

Sunday, April 26, 2015


Exodus 20:7 
You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain.

Talk is cheap these days, and people say many things,
Would most talk like that before presidents and kings?
God warns us to not take His name in vain; this is wrong, 
Those who thus speak, apparently to God don't belong.
Pure speech is ordered by the Lord for every one of us,
Don't take God's name in vain; so there will be less fuss.(RP)

This morning at church we will hear Jason Nightingale in his dramatic recitation of Scripture. We heard him do the book of Revelation Friday night and it was inspirational to hear it. He has vast portions of the Bible memorized and has been doing the book of Revelation for at least 29 years. We were pleased Friday night when he gave a very pointed invitation for people to receive Jesus Christ at the conclusion of the presentation. Our son did not come to Ferndale this week. Maybe next Friday he will be here. Margie continues with her physical therapy faithfully. We are awaiting further orders from her allergy doctor for tests to check some bone density to help them determine how to treat the osteoporosis.  Thanks for praying. 
(See our web page)

Saturday, April 25, 2015


Psalms 33:12
Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD, the people he chose for his inheritance.

A blessing is here promised to those who will heed God's call,
He will be their Savior if they truly seek Him and at his feet fall. 
He calls them chosen, and what a privilege to have this name,
To always seek His will in our way, should be our desired aim.
Rest in the promise of God; let Him lead each step of the way,
Stay in His word and read often, and always be willing to pray.(RP)

We received a double blessing yesterday. The morning Bible class was such a blessing to us. The class members asked thoughtful questions, gave very wise answers to the study sheet questions, and entered into the discussion in a very active way.  Then in the evening we attended Jason Nightingale's recitation of the book of Revelation at our church.  In almost an hour of dramatic presentation, he went through the entire Revelation. It was very impressive. We had hail storms yesterday that caused traffic tie-ups even on the freeway. We look forward to a more leisurely day today. Thanks for praying. 

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Friday, April 24, 2015


He does according to His will in the army of heaven and among the inhabitants of the earth. No one can restrain His hand.  Daniel 4:35

Our God is a mighty God who moves at His own command,
He controls everything in heaven above, and in this great land.
Thank God, He knows what to do; we rest securely in Him,
And no matter what takes place, our future never grows dim.
We give ourselves to His sweet care, and worry not a bit,
And daily read His Word for strength, and to His will submit.(RP)

It's Friday and we are about ready for class time. It is always one of the best days of the week.
Yesterday kept us plenty busy also with Margie's hair appointment in the morning and afternoon prayer meeting. The rains they promised arrived and today it is accompanied with plenty of wind.  Margie faithfully does her physical therapy routines. I help on a few of them by doing the counting for her. We will inform you tomorrow about tonight's event, if Margie is able to participate. Thanks for praying.

Thursday, April 23, 2015


Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved. Acts 4:12

People think of all possible means of how to get to heaven,
And each is empty as trying to buy clothes at Seven-Eleven.
Here are directions in words so plain; look at them right here,
The only way to heaven is through Christ; the answer is clear.
There is no other way to be saved, so listen up and obey,
And you'll be happy you made this choice; do it this very day.(RP)

Wednesday at our house is always busy. It is wash day, so therefore we change the bed sheets, etc and get things freshened up for the week. I also write the prayer sheet for our church and send that to the secretary.  After that I still had time, so printed all the study sheets for Friday's Bible class. I fine-tuned the notes on God's Handiwork of Nature which I give each Friday to the class before we start teaching. They really enjoy the great variety of animals and insects and plants about which I talk. I also make a picture of the subject of the day and pass it around. They appreciate these lessons.  I really enjoy giving them also. I have done it for years.  Thanks for your prayers.    (See our web page)

Wednesday, April 22, 2015


Proverbs 16:3
Commit your works to the LORD, And your thoughts will be established.
Some easily get things all messed up by the way they work and think,
God gives the best procedure here so that His children will not sink.
When your work is ordered by Him, your thinking greatly improves,
And when this is correctly in place, our Father definitely approves.
So you have been so flustered, because your mind is all askance,
Just remember to do things God's way, and give Him another chance.(RP)

Margie had her physical therapy in the morning. Although very tiring the therapist again gave her a good rating. She is doing well on the routines. Margie also called and had a phone consultation with her allergist. He has helped Margie so much through the years. She was concerned about the osteoporosis, so the doctor is ordering some more tests to help him determine what can be done for this bone weakness.  She was encouraged by his counsel. He also gave some suggestions to help with her stomach issues. Thanks so much for praying. 

Tuesday, April 21, 2015


My help comes from the LORD, who made heaven and earth. Psalm 121:2

Our helper is a helper indeed; He made heaven and earth,
And I can say it is wonderful; and more since my rebirth.
When Jesus saved me all became new; now I trust in Him,
And how great to come to him when things are bright or dim.(RP)

Margie has been spreading out her physical therapy sessions so they will last longer. She faithfully does her routines at home and each time she goes, the therapist, a dear friend of Margie's, says she does better than the previous visit.  I was able to get a lot done for future classes in Genesis yesterday for which I am glad. Today there will be a cooling trend in the weather we are told. But we don't complain, because it is really great. Thanks so much for your prayers.

Monday, April 20, 2015


For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. 1 Thessalonians 4:16

Believers in Jesus look forward to this day,Something wonderful for us is on the way.
Jesus is coming and it probably won't delay,
When it happens it will be an eye-blink away.
It is good news, and all should want to say,
This news that a great price Jesus did pay.
For His salvation all sinners should pray,
This great gift of His is always on display.
At His coming the dead in Christ will be okay,
They'll rise first and immediately we all will be taken away.(RP)

Wow, we have another free day today. No appointments.  The weather is fabulous. I will probably work ahead on my Genesis study, making more work sheets for the class.  These are questions taken from the text to help them understand better the story of Genesis.  We had a great day yesterday at church and returned in the evening for a church-family update and business meeting. We also learned about the ministry with the Jr. Hi young people in our church. Our son returned home in the morning. It was nice having him for a few hours while he was here. Thanks so much for praying. 

Sunday, April 19, 2015


James 1:19
So then, my beloved brethren,let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath.

In a day of so much talking, the instruction James gives is delightful,
We are prone to talk much, and the words found here are insightful.
James prefers we be keen to listen and hear; that's the way to go,
By doing this we are surely blessed, because we will be in the know.
One more thing James reminds us to do, and we better not forget,
We should be slow to wrath, or else we will have much to regret.(RP)

We always took forward to Sunday when we can again worship the Lord with others at church. The fellowship is special. Our son Rawlie is with us. Our grandson dropped in yesterday also for a visit. We are blessed. Rawlie returns home today, Nathan went yesterday. The weather is so good and today promises to be warmer. I have the heater on now, but will soon turn it down when the chill is gone.  We trust you have a great day. Thanks for praying. 

Saturday, April 18, 2015


Romans 13:8 
Owe no one anything except to love one another, for he who loves another has fulfilled the law.

The law of God demands our love, and those who love others fulfills it. 
If one does not have this love of God, it's best to admit that you're unfit.
You soon will learn that to be saved from sin, gives you another chance,
Then you can really love as Jesus loves ,and you can quickly advance.
One thing we are to owe, that is for one another to show God's love,
We know that this love come from only one source: our Father above.(RP)

Our son is here and on Saturdays we like to go  out for coffee. That will be our main schedule of the day. I also have a couple of things to pick up while we  are near a store or two. Yesterday Bible class went well. All tables were filled and folks were sitting around the edge with chairs against the walls. The class really interacts in a wonderful way and it is a real learning process for all.  We trust you all have a good day and we hope to also.  Thanks for praying.   

Friday, April 17, 2015


Psalm 39:5  
Indeed, You have made my days as handbreadths, And my age is as nothing before You; Certainly every man at his best state is but vapor.

Sometimes people say it glibly, life is so very short,
The Bible tells us its meaning we should not distort.
To God,our age is nothing;our preparation for life is now,
Being saved and heaven-bound is what we should avow.
God sees our life as a vapor; it passes away very soon,
Even with Christ in our lives, from death we are not immune,
But with Him as our Savior, our future is completely His care,
We face the day with a smile, and death does not bring a scare .(RP)

We are always glad for Friday to come. We look forward to the Bible class this morning. Our attendance has been good despite illnesses, etc. The weatherman predicts warmer weather this weekend. It will be the warmest so far.  Yesterday, as usual was a good day. Margie had her hair done in the morning and in the afternoon the prayer meeting. It was a very special time. We trust YOUR day goes well. Thanks so much for praying. 

Thursday, April 16, 2015


But his delight is in the law of the LORD, and in His law he meditates day and night. Psalm 1:2

Christian, do you love God's book the Bible; do you delight in it each day?
If you do, God blesses richly, and for sure you'll be lead along His way.
When you read this precious Book, and meditate on each thought therein,
It will thrill your soul completely and you will breathe heartily and give a grin.
This Word read with dedication will be your comfort in sleepless nights, 
It consoles all along your journey, in the valleys and in the heights. (RP)

Looking out the office window I see a beautiful morning. The sun is shining brightly. It is getting warmer each day. The flowers in our front garden spot are bright and add a lovely touch to our house. Last night I had a special time talking to my brother Ernie, missionary in Singapore, about our joint Bible classes and the joy they bring us. Skype is a wonderful service which we appreciate greatly. I speak often with my other brother Harold also about his work situations which are very interesting. All this is done through Skype. We have two important things to do today: Margie's hair appointment and afternoon prayer meeting at the church.  Thanks for remembering us in your prayer ministry. We appreciate it. 

Wednesday, April 15, 2015


Psalm 147:1 
Praise the Lord! For it is good to sing praises to our God; For it is pleasant, and praise is beautiful.

Some may think it so strange to sing praises unto the Lord,
In the Bible we're instructed to sing, we better be in accord.
A happy heart sings with delight; it is no chore at all to sing.
Those who do are blessed, and the courts of heaven ring.
God says songs are pleasant, and very beautiful my friend,
So praise and sing to Him today; I'm sure He will commend. (RP)

We are pleased to be able to stay ahead on our work. Yesterday I worked on lesson 8 for Bible study and we only do lesson 4 next Friday.  So I am ahead. Today I am sort of ahead in the washing. At least the first load is being washed right now.  The weather in Ferndale is fabulous. The wind is cool but it is bright sunshine. They even opened the ski area on Mt. Baker because of a fresh new layer of snow. We trust you all have a good day. Thanks for praying. 

Tuesday, April 14, 2015


John 8:12 
Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying, I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.

Jesus is the light who brings light for the world to see,
I'm glad when we heard and the light came to you and me.
It's great to follow Him, and never walk in darkness again,
Many voices join me as they loudly say a big amen.
We now have the light of life, and what a possession it is,
Taking the light to others is all because of the light that is His. (RP)

Margie remarked yesterday how nice it was not having appointments. It is true near the end of the week we always have some, but they are enjoyable. The Thursday prayer meeting at church and Friday Bible study are the main ones each week. Today Margie insists on cleaning the bathrooms. She wants to stay in motion, and the doctors also encourage her in this because of her back. Thanks for praying. 

Monday, April 13, 2015


1 Corinthians 15:57 
But thanks be to God, which gives us the VICTORY through our Lord Jesus Christ.

Victory is sure for those who trust Christ; He guarantees this to His own,
We thank Him always for this gift to us; what a blessing to not be alone.
A victorious life is a precious thing, and those who possess it are blessed.
And thank God we can live for Jesus each day and enjoy his spiritual rest.(RP)

We drove to Sedro Woolley, WA yesterday morning to preach at the First Baptist Church. We have preached there several times before for pastor Coursen. After church Andy and Maxine Anderson treated us to lunch at Bob's Restaurant. We enjoyed the meal and fellowship, then drove home. What a special day it was for us. We are glad that today there are no pressing issues that require our going to town or doctor's appointments.  Thanks for praying. 

Sunday, April 12, 2015


Psalms 118:24
This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.

Oh the joy of having Sunday when we go for fellowship sweet,
To worship the Lord in His glory, and bow humbly at His feet.
I'm so glad everyday is special, because God gave them all.
Sunday we study together, both the adults and even the small.
So no matter what day it is, we are to rejoice and be glad in it,
And keep on giving Him thanks and to His will gladly submit. (RP)

This is the day we travel to a neighboring town to preach for a pastor who called me to ask if I would fill the pulpit for him while he was away. We are thrilled to be able to minister in this way. It is only about a 45 minute drive. We will return home after the service. Yesterday was more leisurely. I vacuumed the house and worked on my message plus more for Genesis class next Friday. Margie made her customary phone calls, ministering to friends. Thanks for your prayer support. 

Saturday, April 11, 2015


Then He appointed twelve, that they might be with Him and that He might send them out to preach. 
Mark 3:14

God is still in the business of sending men to preach,
He sends them with the gospel to the ones they reach.
In order to be fruitful in the work that He bids us to do,
It is very important that first we learn to be with Him too.
When we go in His name and depend on Him for souls,
We can be very sure He leads, and we know He controls.(RP)

When we get to the end of the week, we wonder what's next. But today I know for sure I will vacuum the house, and do so more preparation for tomorrow's sermon. Margie has already been leafing through the recipe books, and I am sure she will make more bar cookies today. So there is never really a dull moment. I am hoping the flowers I planted in the front spot will really take root and grow. They are supposed to have more sunlight than the spot offers, so I may have to move the planter boxes to the sun.  We'll see. Thanks for praying for us.  We always appreciate it. 

Friday, April 10, 2015


Jeremiah 17:9
The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?

It is easy to understand Jeremiah's words here,
Our own heart is witness to the evil that is clear.
The heart is so deceitful and tries to cover sin,
And no one can really fix it; alone we cannot win.
To calm your heartache, who will try to understand?Take it to the Lord and he'll help and hold your hand.(RP)

We know what today is.  It's Friday, as Paul Harvey used to say. Yes, and we are glad for it. We have the Bible class today at the Ferndale Senior Activity Center. Last week 35 were there. We trust there will be another good group today.  Yesterday was filled with activity also.  We are preparing for our ministry in Sedro Woolley Sunday. I was asked to preach in the First Baptist Church there. We look forward to this.  We trust that you have a good day. Thanks for praying for us. We appreciate it. 

Thursday, April 9, 2015


Therefore He is also able to save to the uttermost those who come to God through Him, since He always lives to make intercession for them. 
Hebrews 7:25

God's power is great and will save many souls; they only have to choose,
Those who come to Him receive life everlasting, and that is good news.
God not only saves, but prays for his own; what a wonderful Savior is He,
Just think of all the things He does for us, and everyone of them is free.(R)

Thursday for us is routine. Margie goes to the hairdresser in the morning and we attend afternoon prayer meeting at church in the afternoon. Yesterday was more relaxed, and for once we had no appointments. It was nice staying home, doing the things we needed to care for here. It is Spring break for the school so the children are active around our street and elsewhere. We received a call from a friend in San Jose, CA, reminding us that my picture was on the inside back cover of the BIOLAN magazine, showing me with Dr. Sutherland, the president at that time. I was presenting him with a check to buy two brand new buses for the school. That was the project the year I was student body president. So much for history.  Thanks for praying. 

Wednesday, April 8, 2015


1 John 1:8-10 
If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we say that we have not sinned, we make Him a liar, and His word is not in us.

Some may say they have no sin, but we know they are deceived,
They tell not truth, and are so wrong; the Lord must be so grieved.
If only they would confess their sins, God will forgive and cleanse,
To be cleansed from sin, is more important than having many friends.
The Christian who says he never has sinned, is a person telling lies,
And he calls God a liar and His word is not in him, and is very unwise.(RP)

Believe it or not, today we get to stay home. We seem to be on the go a lot. We are glad there is nothing on the schedule. We will stay home and I will do advance work on the book of Genesis.  Margie will try to do some reading and check things on her iPad. Again the weather is fabulous. Our flowers in the front look real nice. I slug-proofed (I hope!), and also deer-proofed them so we will see how long they last. Margie saw the sleep specialist Monday, but we are not certain if she is going to be able to continue using the machine. For some unknown reason it causes a reaction to her nasal passage and throat, giving her much discomfort. She seems to be sleeping better, at times, so we will just have to keep trying other options on the machine (settings, etc.) Thanks for praying.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015


Psalm 51:17 
The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit, a broken and a contrite heart - These, O God, You will not despise. 

When we have sinned and really repent, God accepts a contrite heart,
A broken spirit he does not despise; what a wonderful place to start.
This kind of sacrifice is pleasing to Him, so let us come often this way,
When we have sinned it's the only thing to do; so never this duty delay.(RP)

The last few days have been fabulous. Today we are promised more of the same. Yesterday we purchased some flowers for our front flower garden spot. I put them in two planter boxes and then two others in the ground because they are bulb flowers and will grow again next year.  I am sure I do not have a green thumb, but we will try to get these through the summer. Our rose bush, lovingly called Joybells, is doing fine, and we hope to see some roses on it before long. Margie saw her sleep specialist yesterday but we are not sure any tangible help was available for the problem she has using it. We'll just have to wait and see.  Thanks for praying.

Monday, April 6, 2015


Proverbs 9:10 
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.

Some people are really smart, but about others we are not so very sure,
God's test of wisdom always outweighs ours, his score is right and pure.
Do you think it strange that wisdom starts with God, and the fear of Him?
It is not strange because this He planned long ago; it was not just a whim.
So when you decide to do things God's way, you have to ask him for it.
And when you do,God always answers with just exactly what is fit.(RP)

Easter Sunday was a blessing. A good service at our church with the choir singing two beautiful hymns, along with the message appropriate for the day. After church we drove slowly to another town where we met our family for lunch at the restaurant. After the meal and short visit, we returned  home and spent the rest of the afternoon leisurely here. Today is busy because Margie sees the sleep specialist to get more instructions on the sleep apnea machine. Thanks for praying.

Sunday, April 5, 2015


Mt 28:6 
He is not here; for He is risen, as He said.Come, see the place where the Lord lay.

The empty tomb speaks volumes to us; Jesus is no longer there,
The ladies that morn came to honor Him; He was gone, but where?
The angel's announcement to them that morn, gave them joy and fear,
And they left to tell the disciples, and while going, Jesus drew near.
They worshipped at his feet, but He sent them quickly away,
With a message for an encounter that would take place without delay.(RP)

Happy Resurrection Day. It is a beautiful day here in Ferndale. The churches that had sunrise services had perfect weather. We look forward to the service in our church this morning.  We will not attend the special breakfast due to Margie's allergies. We will be joining our family later, after church, for a meal together. We look forward to that. We trust each of you has a wonderful day. And we thank you for your prayers.

Saturday, April 4, 2015


Romans 10:15
And how can they preach unless they are sent? As it is written, How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!

A missionary in China returned home one night, his feet all swollen and sore,
He walked in the villages long that day, and he still yearned to reach some more.
He preached Jesus to many who were lost; oh how he prayed they'd be saved,
So many heard and received the Lord; others to their sinful habits were enslaved.
But he never gave up because he needed to go the thousands who didn't know,
His feet were beautiful because he brought them good news; to the lost he had to go.(RP)

Our son arrived last night and this morning we will have coffee in town. He has some business to attend to and decided to come stay the night with us. Tomorrow we will all (his family and other invited guests) have lunch together after church.  We look forward to that. Yesterday's Bible class went very well and we had two new members. The tables were filled and people sitting on chairs against the walls. The session was lively with many intelligent questions asked the teacher.  We were still in Genesis 1. What a great study this is.  Thanks for praying.

Friday, April 3, 2015


1 Peter 5:8 
Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.

Keep on your toes the old saying goes; the devil is after you,
Be alert and watching always, because this he wants to do.
He's hungry like a lion, and wants to devour us right now,
Stand your guard and be watchful; don't ever to his tactics bow.(RP)

We eagerly anticipate today's Bible study at the Ferndale Senior Activity Center. We are hoping that more than 30 will be there.  We also look forward to our favorite lunch today - pizza.  It's simple and oh so good. Yesterday went well with Margie's trip to the hairdresser and in the afternoon the regular prayer meeting at the church. And we also anticipate Easter Sunday at our church and then our encounter with the family for lunch in the afternoon. Margie does each day her physical therapy routines here at home, and I coach her on some of them. Thanks for your prayers. 

Thursday, April 2, 2015


Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. Romans 5:1

God says the just shall live by faith,and the result is peace with God,
How wonderful to have this peace;I'm glad someone gave me a prod.
It's Jesus who brings this all to us; how wonderful he did this for me,
May I live for Him in such a way that my wonderful Savior more may see. (RP)

When Margie received her glasses from the Low Vision Clinic, she was disappointed because she still could not read well with them. We returned yesterday and she was rechecked. Instead of strengthening her lenses, he sold us another device that placed on a line of print, enlarges it greatly and with her glasses makes a very nice combination. He told her to try this and if it still does not satisfy, he will try another option. We are happy for this doctor who really shows interest in the patients. It was a full day yesterday because a friend invited us for supper at a Bellingham restaurant. We had a wonderful time. Thanks so much for your prayers. 

Wednesday, April 1, 2015


Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven. Matthew 5:16

Christians are the light of the world, and Jesus expects us to shine,
None should ever hesitate, and we pray that none of them will decline.
Our light is to shine so others will see Jesus; this is our duty right now,
So please work for Jesus and do His good will; so others to Him will bow.
When the world sees our stand for Jesus, they will glorify Him above,
And it will all be because He saved us, and when we responded to His love.(RP)

Yesterday at therapy the therapist said Margie was told she was the most determined patient she has ever had. That is so good to hear. Margie works hard at it and goes through the routines each day here at home. I coach her on some of them. Today we have another full schedule of events. Presently we are washing clothes and at 1PM  Margie sees the eye doctor about her special glasses. At first they seemed to help her but now they don't help her at all.  Thanks for praying.