Saturday, April 18, 2015


Romans 13:8 
Owe no one anything except to love one another, for he who loves another has fulfilled the law.

The law of God demands our love, and those who love others fulfills it. 
If one does not have this love of God, it's best to admit that you're unfit.
You soon will learn that to be saved from sin, gives you another chance,
Then you can really love as Jesus loves ,and you can quickly advance.
One thing we are to owe, that is for one another to show God's love,
We know that this love come from only one source: our Father above.(RP)

Our son is here and on Saturdays we like to go  out for coffee. That will be our main schedule of the day. I also have a couple of things to pick up while we  are near a store or two. Yesterday Bible class went well. All tables were filled and folks were sitting around the edge with chairs against the walls. The class really interacts in a wonderful way and it is a real learning process for all.  We trust you all have a good day and we hope to also.  Thanks for praying.   

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