Friday, June 20, 2014


Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be  John 14:27

The world seeks peace but finds it not; it does not go to the source, Many seek help for trouble, but the wrong method they endorse.
Jesus is peace, and gives it those who will seek his help today,
By trusting Him for sins forgiven, and this because they obey.
He leaves us His peace and gives His peace, a promise very strong,
Christ in your life and the benefits given, I declare, you cannot go wrong.
His peace gives hope, and a trouble-free heart, and you will not be afraid,
Because you trusted Him for everything, and at His feet your burdens laid.(RP)

It will seem odd not going to Bible class today.  It is recessed for the summer.  We start up again September 5.  Some have expressed to us they lament we are not having the class.  I will be working ahead preparing lessons for the Fall classes.  In fact that's what I will be doing this morning.  I was able to write 3 more stories for the book yesterday and Margie proofed them, adding or subtracting things that make the story more readable.  Our son is supposed to arrive this weekend, so we look forward to this.   Thanks for praying.

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