Saturday, February 8, 2014


Proverbs 10:19 
In the multitude of words sin is not lacking, But he who restrains his lips is wise.

Words are cheap and numerous beyond belief,
Unfortunately with them oft times comes grief.
Sin is the root of careless words spoken day by day,
Words of emotions or wrath, all to the speaker's dismay.
God urges us to restrain the careless use of our speech,
When this is done, victory is ours, then we can ably teach.(RP)

I have been working several hours on preparation for one of the booths at the Ministry Fair at our church tomorrow after the morning service.  I am helping do the Missionary Fellowship display, which involves maps representing the countries where our supported missionaries serve.  It has been enjoyable to do this and this afternoon I go to actually put in place the material I have organized for it.  We had 34 in the Bible class yesterday and we were pleased to have two new students attend.  Thanks so much for your prayers,

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