Saturday, March 16, 2013



Pride goes before destruction, And a haughty spirit before a fall. Proverbs 16:18

Pride is an awful trait to have, its results are sad indeed,
It precedes destruction Solomon said, and to this we all concede.
A haughty spirit is a dreadful thing and leads to a very sad end,
So beware dear reader and listen up and your wayward ways amend.(RP)

After a full week of activity, I believe we are going to relax today. Margie had another good night. We are so thankful.  I will continue on the Brazil book and throw in some more Hebrew study but that's enjoyable and not "labor". Margie is telephoning to friends which is part of her ministry on Saturdays. March 17 my brother Ernie and wife Verda celebrate 60 years of ministry in Singapore.  I would say that's quite a record. We pray you all have a good day.  Thank you for praying for us.  We deeply appreciate it. 

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