Monday, March 25, 2013

Another week


 Psalms 7:1O 
LORD my God, I take refuge in you; save and deliver me from all who pursue me.

I lift my prayer to you dear Lord, please hear my cry to you, 
You are my refuge to Whom I flee, to You I desire to be true.
Keep me in Your hand today, deliver me from those who pursue,
And I will praise Your name always, and my love for You renew.(RP)

We are pleased Margie had a good night.  Yesterday Rawlie was here until later in the afternoon, then left for home. It was nice having him here.  Today we continue working on the Brazil book and also preparations for the Bible class on Friday.  Margie is getting things organized in the kitchen to prepare some desserts for the Easter meal we will have with our family in Standwood next Sunday.  Thank you so much for your prayers. 

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