Friday, December 16, 2011


I spent a good part of the day yesterday on the application process to get Joy's Medicaid documents. The folks at NWRC (Northwest Regional Council -Aging and Disability Resources) were helpful and much appreciated.  We came up with a plan that we are trying to put in action but so far the people we phoned did not answer.  We will try again today. One very energetic and efficient Case Worker will see Joy (when she gets here) and that will facilitate the Medicaid document. Without Joy being here, we are at a standstill.  I am checking on available places now where we can bring her without wiping out our savings before Medicaid takes over.  Please help us in prayer about this.  We appreciate it very much.  We are so thankful Margie had a very good night.  It is unusual when she can give that report.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Donna and I have come to really appreciate the song entitled "God Will Make a Way," which we learned while attending services at Grace Baptist Church of Wilson Creek in 2003. We are confident that God will make a way for Joy.

Dan & Donna Bong,
Wenatchee, WA