Thursday, September 16, 2010

God's amazing providence

We received an email (in Portuguese) in the "junk mail" box asking us to see the video showing the downed airplane in Venezuela and the 15 survivors.  Because I did not know the one who wrote this to me, and because an email address was given, I responded, in Portuguese, to the writer asking him to identify himself so I would know who was sending this email.  Here is where the story gets GOOD.  A few hours later I received a long emotional reply from Pastor Marco in S. Brazil, who assured me he DID NOT send the email. Someone had hacked his email addresses and sent out this notice. The rest of this story is amazing. In my letter to pastor Marcos, I had given a little of our history.  He replied that I had been his pastor in the Berean Baptist Church in Natal,Brazil for 4 years.  He and his sister Marta were there.  Our son Rawlie and he were pals during those years.  What a story.  We praise the Lord for His providential ways to bring us these blessings we were unaware of. We will be in contact with Pastor Marcos who is a Baptist minister.  We hope you enjoy this choice tidbit of God's workings.

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