Thursday, November 8, 2012


Yesterday was our routine schedule of washing clothes, making beds drying folding and ironing clothes.  Margie did most of it except the beds. I still make up those because it is easier for me. Margie was very tired and I suppose it's because of not getting as much sleep as she is used to.  Last night was the same thing.   Yesterday Margie continued her work of reading past letters written to our folks when we served in Brazil.  I had to transform them into a more readable form by using an OCR software, then she could read them right from her laptop.  If the OCR can get a good reading, the finished product is ok.  But we wrote many of our letters using carbon paper (what's that!!) so the finished product gets muddled.  But this is the way of getting more information for our Brazil book we are writing  Thanks so much for praying.

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