Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Computer Crash

We gave a quick update yesterday regarding Sunday. Our computer crashed and I have spent two days getting things back online. Margie had a good day yesterday. We had an appointment with her doctor (rheumatologist) and he was pleased with her progress and at the next visit in May, he'll change (reduce) the medication that seems to be the single thing that has helped Margie feel so much better. While we were in town I had several things I needed to do so Margie stayed in the car while I shopped. It was a beautiful spring day. Only twice did she get out of the car. And that was a FIRST for her since January. BUT having said this, she suffered for this last night and didn't get to sleep until around 2 this morning. I told her to really take it easy to day and call me to help do anything she wants. But yesterday was a good day for her and she rejoiced to feel so good.

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