Saturday, June 30, 2012


It's strawberry season here and I got some at the local store.  Margie had just a very few of them but they made her sick.  She went to bed sick last night.She was pretty depressed about her general condition.  She fears she will have to have hip surgery because of so much discomfort.  If it is not one thing it's another - as the saying goes. We appreciate those of you who are praying for us.  As I write this at after 8 in the morning, she is still in bed.  I think she had a good nigh but I will soon know when I go in to check on her. We are hoping she will feel well enough to attend church tomorrow. I know that is her desire. I checked on Margie and she hadn't slept for most of the night, that's why she was still in bed after 8:30l  Her hip is hurting so badly she is going to call the doctor this morning. Please pray. Later - she just went back to bed.

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