Sunday, August 1, 2010

Review of yesterday

As we left you yesterday, I was on the way to the emergency room. I discovered an important thing about the ER.  Not all of them treat dental problems. The first one I visited told me this. I was in contact with our family dentist and also the specialist and they recommended I check into the ER at the local hospital. That was a blessing. I got there at a time when there was no one there.  My jaw was already substantially swollen and I needed help.  The P A (Physician's Assistant) quickly applied a Novocaine-like substance around the base of the "guilty" tooth, and handed me a prescription for medication which I am taking at 6 & 8 hour intervals.  Thankfully I had a VERY GOOD night.  Margie did too. We praise the Lord for this.  I pray my swelling will subside today and I can get back to normal soon.  We are not able to attend church today.  We will have to take the second best - radio and TV messages. 

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