Saturday, February 9, 2013

Try again


Blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD, And whose hope is the LORD. Jeremiah 17:7

Special promises are given to those who trust God, believing in Jesus His Son.
Happiness results from this wonderful choice and many victories will surely be won.
In a hopeless world, filled with grief and sad tales, God calls us to hope in Him,
When this is done and eternal life we possess, life is no longer dim.(RP)

Margie seems to be able to tolerate sleep medication no more than three times in a row.  So our good friend Lonnie, suggested she alternate between the ones that do help her.  Last night this worked well and we are pleased it did. Yesterday's Bible class went well with all chairs occupied and the tables filled.  What a wonderful group of people to study with.  Margie continued reading in the journal for ideas for Brazil book stories.  I "wasted" a lot of time trying to download a special grammar check program that would not complete.  I gave up.  Here to my sheer surprise as I write this, the program started highlighting misspelled words.  That means it works.  Some things I just don't understand.  But I am pleased we are back on schedule with the Brazil stories again.  Thanks to you, dear ones for your faithfulness in prayer.  It is much appreciated

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