Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Good night


For with God nothing will be impossible.Luke 1:37

We limit God with our unbelief, it surely is not His delight,
I trust we can learn to trust Him more and always do what is right.
Let's learn this lesson, my friend, and naturally ask God for more,
Then, blessings will flow and we'll see what He has in store.
God specializes in the impossible, so launch out and try Him today.
His answer to you will come strong and clear, because you did it His way.(RP)

What a blessing to have a good night for Margie.  She worked hard yesterday. I told her to take it easy, but she cleaned the bathrooms and prepared lunch.  I did the floors.  She continued highlighting with a yellow marker all the edited parts of our Brazil book stories. I was able to clean up about 26 of them (of the 400 pages we have) As you can see I have a long way to go yet..  It is all very enjoyable work, however, so there are no complaints.  My younger brother from Anchorage arrived last night and he is going to take us for a meal tonight to celebrate my "82nd".  It is a rare treat having him in Ferndale, where his company has him doing some very high tech electrical  work.  Thanks so much for praying.

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