And He said to me,;It is done! I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. I will give of the fountain of the water of life freely to him who thirsts Revelation 21:6
The One who is everlasting invites the thirsty to drink,
If you're lost and without the Savior I suggest you stop and think
.Jesus died to save the lost and prepare heaven for them when they die,
Receive Jesus the water of life, on Him you can surely rely.
This offer is freely given for each who sees his need,
So invite Him into your life, which is the best deal, guaranteed. (RP)
Margie had a pretty good night. We have to do some quick shopping in town this morning but will return back home soon. It is cold and windy this morning but the sun is out. Yesterday Margie started reviewing the edited stories for our Brazil book. As soon as the obligations of this week are over, I will start cleaning up all those copies, getting them ready for publishing. Thanks for praying.
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