Friday, February 1, 2013

Not in vain


But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name.John 1:12

For all lost in sin, an invitation comes, receive Jesus Christ in your life.
He'll forgive your sins and cleanse your life and free you from spiritual strife.
It's a wonderful thing to be a child of God, because we have believed in His name
For all who have done this sincerely by faith, it is certain you'll never be the same.(RP)

Sometimes Margie feels there are "dry runs" as she reads the journals for Brazil book ideas. Yesterday she hit the jackpot and we chose three more stories.  I was enthused about it and wrote one before going to bed and started another.  Today is Bible class and we look forward to that.  Then we have an appointment in the afternoon with a dear family for a visit and meal together.  Our daughter-in-law brought part of her family and another friend who just arrived by airplane, for a visit.  Thank you for praying.

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