Monday, February 11, 2013



 Even to your old age, I am He,And even to gray hairs I will carry you!I have made, and I will bear;Even I will carry, and will deliver you. Isaiah 46:4

For all of us who are seniors, what comfort these words bring today, 
God's care for His own is so precious, and from it He never will sway.
He promises to bear us along, and deliverance is part of His plan,
So don't give up fellow Christian, remember He'll help all He can.(RP)

I wish we had a better report.  The new medication which was the first time for her to use, failed to bring sleep.  So we will go back to plan B and see if it works.  Tomorrow I hope we have better news.  We spent a rather leisurely day yesterday.  I was called to help two people with computer problems in the afternoon.  Today we continue preparing our remaining stories to send to the editor. After that I will be transferring all the editor's corrections to clean copies to send to the publisher. We have MUCH work ahead to accomplish this, but look forward to getting it finished. Thanks so much for your prayers.  

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