Tuesday, February 5, 2013



In the multitude of words sin is not lacking,But he who restrains his lips is wise.Proverbs 10:19

So many words we speak each day and at times they aren't very wise,
We're prone to let words slip, resulting in a surprise. 
Sin appears in the multitude of words, so let's all be careful and wise,
Restrain your lips from unholy thoughts and be right in our Savior's eyes.(RP

Margie slept well last night as she used a new non prescription sleep aid.  Thank the Lord it gave her a good night.  Our day yesterday was filled with reading journals (Margie) and I working on a Power Point presentation to give later this month of our trip to Israel several years ago. I also ministered to a family who lost their husband and dad.  Maybe for these reasons I did not do as well on sleep as I normally do.  We are looking forward to a full day of work on our Hebrew study for Friday.  We keep busy and are glad we can.  Thanks so much for praying.   

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