Wednesday, February 13, 2013



For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them. Matthew 18:20

Oh the Joy to have God's presence, when we meet somewhere to pray,
Prayer for us is like our breathing, we must have it to be okay.
When we gather with our friends, to intercede before His Throne,
Our blessed Lord draws near us, assuring us we are not alone. (RP)

We are happy for success in last night's medication for sleep help for Margie.  It worked! That is always a blessing we don't take for granted. Yesterday I made a quick trip into town to get my driver's license.  While there I did some shopping and visited a friend in the hospital. Margie continued her never-ending task of reading our journals for seed thoughts for Brazil book stories.  I was able to prepare a few more stories to send to the editor.  We think this project is coming to an end.  I really enjoy writing and will miss that part when it's over. Thank you friend, for praying.  

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