Friday, May 23, 2014


Ecclesiastes 1:14 
I have seen all the works that are done under the sun; and indeed, all is vanity and grasping for the wind.

King Solomon's words penned long ago, express a solemn thought,
Man works so hard, and toils for much, and the energy spent is naught.
It's better to let God make our plans, and direct our way each day,
When He's in control of all we do, we are sure we are in the right way.(RP)

We have gone MANY days without rain.  During the night the reains returned and this morning I could hear the drops pounding on the roof as I started the day.  We are off to Bible study this morning.  It is one of the very enjoyable schedules we are privileged to have.  We never know who will be present in the class.  One man will be away on a trip to the east coast, and others have fragile health.  But we pray there will be a good group.  There usually is.  Thank you for praying.  We appreciate it. 

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