Monday, May 26, 2014


Teach me Your way, O LORD, and lead me. 
Psalm 27:11 

Believers need to be taught God's way, as they live from day to day, We call upon His name in prayer, so He will teach us along the way. We need to be lead by His strong hand, as we seek His will here,
And ours is the joy and assurance in prayer, that He is very near. (RP)

We watched a moving Memorial Day tribute to the fallen soldiers and those living who fought for our safety.  It was emotional and a great reminder of our debt of love and gratitude we owe these brave men and women.  Our son and grandson are still here with us and the rest of the family arrives today.  We hope to have lunch together.  Rawlie and I went for coffee this morning at Starbucks and then I did some shopping before returning home.  Thanks, dear friends, for praying. 

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