Friday, March 29, 2013

Senior Center


1 Corinthians 15:33 
Do not be deceived: Evil company corrupts good habits.

You may not think it matters, but watch the company you keep,
If you think it's not important, I can say you are sound asleep.
The presence of the wrong people will affect you very much,
If you learn wrong things from them, they soon become a crutch.
If you started with good principles and honored God in your life each day,
Just remember the evil company can take you quickly away.
Develop healthy friendships, ones that honor God for sure,
And they will help you honor God and keep you always pure.

Today we look forward to the Bible study.  The class chose the book of Hebrews which requires more studying for all of us. But it is very enjoyable and a profitable study.  Margie continues her rigorous care of her eyes and appreciates your prayers that the blood clot will dissolve.  Thanks for praying.

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