Sunday, March 10, 2013

Home today


Ephesians 4:29 
Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth,but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers.
Be careful little mouth what you say, is more than just a song,
It is a command from God, and keeps us from doing wrong. 
Christians who encourage others, are doing their Father's will,
Which edifies the recipients and helps them God's will to fulfill (RP)

We both are with health issues today.  That's very unusual for me, but it is true.  We will worship at home.  Yesterday despite feeling punk, I continued my work on the Brazil book.  Margie made her customary phone calls to several ladies around the country. She finished reading all the edited stories that she highlights.  Then I take them, clean them up and put them in the finished file. To double check I think we will print off all the ready-for-press copies and re-read them just to make sure.  There is never a dull moment around here as you can see. Thank you much for your prayers, Margie had another good night.  We pray this continues. 

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