Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Rain & wind


Proverbs 3:21-22 My son, let them not depart from your eyes; Keep sound wisdom and discretion; So they will be life to your soul And grace to your neck.

Solomon's counsel is as good today as when it was first given out,
Those who followed his wise words since then, certainly don't have a doubt.
Wisdom is doing God's will each day, and discretion is making the right choice,
Doing these things is a wonderful step, and all who do them rejoice.
God's abundant life and gracious ways are the possession of those who obey,
And one thing is sure, there's joy in their hearts, as they walk with the Lord all the way.(RP)

It is a very nice day to stay INSIDE.  The wind is blowing strong and the rain is steady.  We have been sick and are hopefully coming out of it now but we must be careful. Another good night is recorded and we are grateful.  We are making progress on the Brazil book but there is still MUCH to do.  Today I must devote more time to study of the book of Hebrews as I prepare for Friday's class. Thanks dear friends for praying. 

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