Wednesday, October 3, 2018


Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons,I Timothy 4:1

It's always sad to hear of those who will not receive God's Word.
Who gave up their faith and don't respond to things they formerly heard.
How pitiful now for them to give heed, to the voice of demons out there.
 Allowing the enemy complete control and an  eternal life of despair. (RP)

It was a blessing to meet yesterday afternoon to see and hear reports of missionaries around the world. We met at the church, and Laurel Hicks had everything ready to project pictures and letters for us to enjoy. After going through a few, we pause for prayer for the missionary needs, then go on to some more. People who attend this, donate money which goes through our church treasurer and then sent to the ones designated. We were pleased to be able to help our missionary Fivos, in Alto Peru. It is a delightful way to spend the first Tuesday afternoon (1 hour) of each month. And we thank Laurel Hicks who faithfully coordinates the missionary correspondence and presents it to us. Thanks for praying. 

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