Wednesday, October 24, 2018


Jeremiah 33:3
‘Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.’

At times we think God is silent and wonder why He doesn't speak
When the truth of the matter is this: that from us He has not heard a "squeak"
He plainly has said he will answer, if we truly call unto Him,
And things will quickly be changed and our cup will fill to the brim.
Great & mighty things He'll show when we come to him in prayer,
And for those who call, He's willing, His wonderful blessings to share. (RP)

For 10 months my monthly supply of nutrition is delivered by UPS to my garage. Yesterday, because of an appointment at the audiologist, I was almost sure I would miss the delivery. To miss it means the driver would put the boxes outside the garage door. Upon arriving home, there were no boxes. I left the garage door open, went into the house, looked outside, and there the truck was. I quickly went out there, and he had already put it in the garage. God's timing is so special. So I have never had to move those very heavy boxes in 10  months. Thanks for praying.

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