Wednesday, October 31, 2018


Deuteronomy 6:5  You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength.
God demands love, and He always helps us do it,We want to love Him, and this we readily admit.Loving Him with heart, soul and strength is required,We thank Him for the help to reach what is desired.So praise the Lord for His love so we can love Him,And the joy He gives in return fills our heart to the brim  (RP)

Finally I got an appointment with Mt. Baker Imaging to inspect my Peg-tube. This is the tube into which I put the nutrients needed to keep me going. They told me the one I now have is no longer used. It is smaller in diameter, and the one that will replace mine (if needed), will be larger. I have not had problems with this one. My appointment is Thursday, November 1. Thanks for praying.

Tuesday, October 30, 2018


You will keep him in perfect peace, Whose mind is stayed on You, Because he trusts in You. 
Isaiah 26:3
God wants to give us peace and will do it if we obey,
He gives to those who willingly,allow Him full sway.
Thoughts must be centered in Him, then He works,
As we keep trusting, peace comes with many perks. (RP)
I purchased a My Pillow mattress topper, to make my bed more comfortable. It works great, and I appreciate the help it gives.  With this added blessing for my sleep, I received two new pillows.  The Bible speaks of sleep:   Psalm 127:2 It is vain for you to rise up early, To sit up late, To eat the bread of sorrows; For so He gives His beloved sleep. I am a recipient of that sleep He gives, and am thankful. Thanks for praying.

Monday, October 29, 2018


Php 4:6 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God;
It's easy to be upset in life, and nervous about many things,
But  listen to God's word my friend, to us great help it brings.
Learn to pray before problems arise, then keep on praying more,
You will know what God can do, and your calmness He will restore (RP)
The unexpected takes us by surprise quite often.  Yesterday as I was visiting with folks before the service began, I noticed a gathering of people and some anxiety going on in the rear of the auditorium. The paramedics came, and were caring for Marilyn Huffman, one of members. Her husband Jim, was standing nearby. They cared for her properly, got her on a gurney, and put her into the ambulance. Later from the E R in Bellingham at Saint Joseph hospital, her husband reported she broke both her legs in the fall. They would soon be on the way to Harborview Hospital in Seattle. We cannot be too careful how we walk and move around. I know you will pray for this dear lady and her husband. Thanks for praying.  

Sunday, October 28, 2018


Psalm 103:11-12  For as the heavens are high above the earth, so great is His mercy toward those who fear Him; As far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us.

God's mercy is great and is abundantly given,
We who have trusted Him are truly forgiven.
He withholds from us things that could harm us,
That's certainly why His mercy is such a plus.
He forgave our sins and removed them far away,
He will never bring them back; every thing is okay. (RP)

We are please to have old time friends, Jerry & Donna Layton in our church today. They served the Lord for years in the Philippines. Their present emphasis while visiting churches is the Creation Worldview Seminar. Jerry is writing a book entitled, The Gospel Begins in Genesis. We look forward to their ministry today. Thanks for praying. 

Saturday, October 27, 2018


And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to which also you were called in one body; and be thankful. Col 3:15

Man likes to be his own boss but God says His peace should rule,
If one decides to do it his own way, he certainly is a fool.
Let God's peace rule in your heart, and thankful you will be,
And your peace will be oh so sweet and His blessings you will see. (RP)

This is "catch up" day. The little or big things I wanted to do all week are on my list today. I may not get very far, but at least I will try.  Yesterday I was blessed with good attendance at the Bible study and excellent participation by the members. The book of Esther is a challenging and thought-provoking book. We all are enjoying it. Today I also prepare for Sunday. Missionaries will be featured during Sunday School and morning service. More about that on Monday.  Thanks for praying. 

Friday, October 26, 2018


"Can anyone hide himself in secret places, so I shall not see him?" says the Lord; "Do I not fill heaven and earth?" says the Lord.Jeremiah 23:24


People think they can hide from God as they live and work and play, 
But nothing escapes the eyes of God; for Him, everything's on display.
God fills heaven and earth, and nothing escapes his omniscient view,
So understand this, my friend who reads this, He is looking at you.  (RP)


I spent a  long time yesterday trying to find out the name of the tube that is in my stomach. I am amazed that it is so hard to get an answer. I finally left it up to the hospital to contact the ones who installed it. I hope today they will phone me with an appointment. I can only see them if I haven't had any nutrition for four hours. That is no problem. I didn't realize there are so many different kinds of feeding tubes. Now I am learning. Thanks for praying. 

Thursday, October 25, 2018


Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; 7 and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.Philippians 4:6-7

Worry is a common ill, that seems to get us all,
And Paul here gives some help for us so that we will never fall.
Prayer is the cure for worry we know, and what a joy to know
The peace and a guarded heart and mind-what more could He bestow.
So Christian, give your worries to Him with prayer and a thankful heart,
And you will experience His blessings galore, and a peace that will not depart.(RP)

I asked for your prayers, and God answered. The referrals came last  night as I was leaving to go to church. I will call Mt Baker Imaging this morning for an appointment to examine my stomach tube. If they determine it needs to be replaced, I have another referral for the hospital procedure to replace it. Thank you so much for your prayer help. It means so much to me. 

Wednesday, October 24, 2018


Jeremiah 33:3
‘Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.’

At times we think God is silent and wonder why He doesn't speak
When the truth of the matter is this: that from us He has not heard a "squeak"
He plainly has said he will answer, if we truly call unto Him,
And things will quickly be changed and our cup will fill to the brim.
Great & mighty things He'll show when we come to him in prayer,
And for those who call, He's willing, His wonderful blessings to share. (RP)

For 10 months my monthly supply of nutrition is delivered by UPS to my garage. Yesterday, because of an appointment at the audiologist, I was almost sure I would miss the delivery. To miss it means the driver would put the boxes outside the garage door. Upon arriving home, there were no boxes. I left the garage door open, went into the house, looked outside, and there the truck was. I quickly went out there, and he had already put it in the garage. God's timing is so special. So I have never had to move those very heavy boxes in 10  months. Thanks for praying.

Tuesday, October 23, 2018


James 1:19  So then, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath;

Hearing is a God-given gift, and we must learn to use it well,
Some are blessed with perfect pitch, and hear as clear as a bell,
Many  are able to hear what is said but with  dullness in their ear,
They hear, but don't really hear, whether the source is far or near.
Science comes to the aid of these, with devices called hearing aids.
So now people hear what they missed for years, maybe even decades.
The spiritual side to all of this is that God wants us to listen to Him.
So please read the Bible, pray, and live His Word, and not be dim. (RP)

I have a hearing deficiency and use devices to help me. I have a loaner pair right now that I am returning today. My "old" ones are only 5 years old, but technology advances so quickly, they are now old. But that makes no difference, because I can have them tweak the old ones, and keep hearing the best I can without a huge expenditure of money.  Thanks for your prayers. 

Monday, October 22, 2018


And they took knowledge of them, that they had been with Jesus. Acts 4:13 

Help me to live for You today in such a special way,That others will know without a doubt in my life, that He is on display. (R.P.)

I am asking you to pray that the medical referral will be released as soon as  possible, so I can have my stomach tube checked. It was supposed to be checked and or replaced every 11 weeks. It has now been with me for 10 months, and never looked at. I was  never told about this maintenance program. Normally the balloon inside my stomach on the end of the tube, prevents it from falling out.  It almost invariably deflates, and the tube comes out. I told the responsible people that without knowing any of that, I always hold the tape securely by tape. He said that may have prevented a collapse of the tubes usefulness. I pray so.  Thanks so much for praying. 

Sunday, October 21, 2018


This is the day the LORD has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.
Psalm 118:24

Each day is a gift from God, how we thank Him for it today,
As we move about our business, let's never forget to pray,
Thank God for all your blessings and be glad for what He's given,
And most of all give praise because you are saved and forgiven. (RP)

I trust you are glad for this day. What an opportunity to be able to attend church and study God's Word and study, and have fellowship with others. I pray it will be a good profitable time for each of us as we worship today. I had a wonderful day yesterday, preparing for next Friday's Bible class. How I enjoy studying the Word. Thank you for your prayers.

Saturday, October 20, 2018


Joshua 1:9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go."

Each day we are challenged by foes from without, trying to upset our way,
God gives us here, words strong and clear, with courage and strength for today.
His strength gives courage as we live for Him, and he removes our fears,
And as we look back over His leading us, we see it's been this way for years.
So stand tall dear Christian for the Lord today, 
He is with you all the way,And that means His word can be relied upon, today and every day.(RP)

(Margie's clothes going to the mission field of Malawi, Africa)

Dear friends, Hans and Caroline Shauer, go to Malawi, Africa quite often.  I asked them about Margie's clothes, and they were more than willing to take them for the people in the area where they work.  So last Thursday, Caroline came and took 9 boxes of clothes I had folded and placed in boxes. you see them in the photo above.  It was a year ago last  night, Rawlie and I went to the hospital to get Margie's things. I was so very glad for his help to me during those tender moments and still today. God is good and His comfort and grace are without measure. Thanks for praying.

Friday, October 19, 2018


(07-16-1930 -- 10-19-2017)

Psalm 34:3 Oh, magnify the LORD with me, And let us exalt His name together.

How sweet these words roll off the tongue; they teach me precious things.
In '54 we said our vows; this verse in our hearts, and on our fingers, rings. 
My mind goes back a year ago, when I said goodbye to her, on my way to "work."
At the church, I talked and prayed with folks, my duty I did not want to shirk.
When I said goodbye to Margie, she mumbled some unknown words, because she was having a stroke.
I called the paramedics; they took her to St. Joseph E.R. She never again spoke.
My heart was heavy as she tried to talk,and say some words; the stroke had taken its toll.
Her condition grew worse and they tried everything; I knew the countdown was there.
Heart monitors were removed, and eating stopped, and of the result, I was fully aware.
I sat for hours holding her hand, trying to sing through my tears, as my heart broke,
But down deep inside, there was still God's peace, giving grace, just like He spoke.
Her hospital room was her Hospice House, graciously provided by the staff.
And it was touching indeed the care received, and love given on their behalf.
My family and friends and her doctor were there, to spend time by her failing side,
But I know way down deep in her heart, by her Savior she wanted to abide.
On October 19, at 8 pm, after 12 hours with her that day, I had to rest.
Two hours later I received the call: she died at 10:15. She had done her BEST.
Now with Jesus, in her heavenly home, we rejoice that her long battle was won,
I think when she met Jesus and knelt at His feet, she heard His words: WELL DONE. 
Thank God He allowed me to live with her for sixty-three wonderful, special years,
And the memories are great of those precious times; I'll see her again when He appears. 

(Written October 18, 2018, 7:00 PM – Ralph Poulson)

Thursday, October 18, 2018


Joshua 1:9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go."

Each day we are challenged by foes from without, trying to upset our way,
God gives us here words strong and clear, with courage and strength for today.
His strength gives courage as we live for Him, and he removes our fears,
And as we look back over His leading us, we see it's been this way for years.
So stand tall dear Christian for the Lord today, He is with you all the way,
And that means His word can be relied upon, today and every day.(RP)

My son Rawlie and his wife Gina, and my grandchildren, have always been attentive to Margie and me. Now by myself, they continue that loving care. Rawlie and Gina and two of the grand children came last Saturday, but Rawlie stayed here until yesterday late afternoon. It was so nice having his company. Even though he spends the entire day at his work in the dining room, he is here and occasionally we can talk. The evenings are more free for time to visit. But the main thing, is his desire to be here to give me company. I deeply appreciate it especially as I approach the one year mark of Margie's passing. Thanks so much for praying. 

Wednesday, October 17, 2018


By faith Abraham obeyed when he was called to go out to the place which he would receive as an inheritance. And he went out, not knowing where he was going. 
Hebrews 11:8

God looks for his people who will walk by faith, obeying His every command,
Taking them to places He chooses, following faithfully what is planned.
By-faith walkers go,not knowing end results; they are only asked to obey,
At the end of the journey an inheritance stands, all because they did not delay.  (RP)

I was amazed at how quickly the publisher handles things. When I returned the draft copy of changes I desired on the front and back cover of the book, they had it back to me yesterday with all corrections made. I was impressed. Who knows, by the way they are doing things now, maybe the book will be published before Christmas. That would be nice. Thanks for praying.

Tuesday, October 16, 2018


1 John 2:6 He who says he abides in Him ought himself also to walk just as He walked.

Those who claim they abide in Christ should prove it by the way they walk,
Their demeanor should show it in everything, the way they act and talk.
So every believer, must look to Christ, as their example today,
And walk as He walked and do all they can, His will to daily obey. (RP)

I won't repeat yesterday's blog, but you can check it out on this site. They are all there since I started them years ago. I am awaiting now a referral that could take up to 14 days or more to process before I can be seen by the Mt. Baker Imaging radiology for any issues that may be related to my Peg-tube (in the stomach) I am praying all is well, but that answer will come later. I still do no know why they waited 10 months to alert me that I should check it every 10 weeks.  They apologized to me for this oversight. Now the praise:  Yesterday I received the draft issue of my book cover, front and back. Boy am I pleased. Rawlie and I made a few adjustments to it and it is now with the publisher for them to tweak. Thanks so much for praying for these things.

Monday, October 15, 2018


Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.I Corinthians 10:31

Questionable things may perplex some folks but the believer is told what to do.
Whatever we do we make sure of one thing: does it bring glory dear Lord to You? (RP)

I received a wake up call when I read the letter from Swedish Hospital in Seattle.  It was alerting me who had had a percutaneous gastrostomy tube placed on 01/08/18 for long term nutritional support, that it needed to be inspected at 10-11 week intervals.  The reason: to minimize the risk of dislodgement, occlusion or other complications. The disturbing thing about this notice, is the fact it is the first I have been warned about this. I have taken meticulous care of this tube, so pray all is well. Today I will settle the matter by a call to them. Please pray with me that I can transfer this maintenance work to Bellingham, and not have to make the long trek to Seattle.  Thanks so much for praying. 

Sunday, October 14, 2018


1 Thessalonians 5:18
In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

Prayer is acceptable always, and thankfulness ranks very high,
And as we pray, to our Father we draw nigh.
His will is for us to give thanks in everything we do,
And obedience to this brings us joy through and through.  (RP)

I continued yesterday what I was doing the day before: folding clothes and putting them in boxes for missionaries to ship to Africa. I now have nine boxes ready.  Another wonderful blessing yesterday was to have Rawlie and Gina and part of their family drop by for a visit. Rawlie will stay here until Wednesday, so I am enjoying his company already. He and I will go to church this morning. I am so grateful for family.  Thanks for praying. 

Saturday, October 13, 2018


1 Peter 3:8 Finally, all of you be of one mind, having compassion for one another; love as brothers, be tenderhearted, be courteous.

A call to believers comes to us here with a message so powerfully true,
A message of tender,compassionate love, a commitment we all should renew.
With courtesy let's treat one another, just exactly as brothers should act,
And doing so will bring honor to Jesus and in turn the whole world impact. (RP)

It sure took me a long time getting around to this, but finally yesterday I started organizing Margie's clothes, folding them and putting them in boxes. I filled 4-1/2 boxes. I still have all her jackets and coats to pack. There must be over 30 of them. My bedroom is now looking the way I want it: clean and not cluttered. Perhaps another day of organizing will get things in shape.  Rawlie will drop by today sometime, then return tomorrow night to spend until Wednesday here in my house. I look forward to that. He does his work here, using his laptop, and my WiFi hookup. Thanks so much for your prayers. 

Friday, October 12, 2018


Titus 3:8
8 This is a faithful saying, and these things I want you to affirm constantly, that those who have believed in God should be careful to maintain good works. These things are good and profitable to men.

This word is for those who have trusted Christ and their personal Savior is He,
Their job is "good works" done in Jesus name and to this we all agree.
We do this carefully as we trust the Lord and it is acknowledged by God to be good,
We profit by this in a special way as each one faithfully does what he should.  (RP)

My audiologist explained that my present hearing aids are 5 years old, and the technology is much advanced since I received them. True, it is amazing what the new ones do. She wanted me to try them anyway, even though I gave no assurance of buying them.  I take them back on the October 23, but really have no intention of a purchase. I enjoyed a good morning at the church office. It was rewarding to be able to pray with some who came into the office. Thank YOU for praying. 

Thursday, October 11, 2018


Psalms 27:14   Wait for the LORD; be strong and take heart and wait for the LORD.

It takes so much work to just wait, and that's why God orders it so,
Don't ever go ahead of the Lord so that he will have to say whoa!
Wait for the Lord, that strengthens you, and gives your heart new life,
And prepares you so well for God's joy today and keeps away added strife. (RP)

Now, I am free to do some more necessary chores around the house. I have put quite a bit of time into the book, now it is time to move one. There is not a stopping point, and I am so grateful for good health and desire to continue. My project now is getting Margie's closet cleaned out and her things folded and ready for Hans and Caroline Shauer to take them to Africa. Margie's sister took a couple of jackets, her heavy winter coat (which she never wore), and the 60th anniversary dress which Barbara really wanted. I will go down to the church and be there in case there is anyway I can be of  help to those who drop by. What a joy to be able to continue. Thanks for praying.

Wednesday, October 10, 2018


Psalms 27:14   Wait for the LORD; be strong and take heart and wait for the LORD.

It takes so much work to just wait, and that's why God orders it so,
Don't ever go ahead of the Lord so that he will have to say whoa!
Wait for the Lord, that strengthens you, and gives your heart new life,
And prepares you so well for God's joy today and keeps away added strife. (RP)

After a genuine battle trying to get pictures uploaded to my publisher's website, I finally put them on a disk and mailed them. I am glad now that the manuscript with all instructions is at the publishers.  Now they will get it set up, design the cover, and hopefully it will be ready before Christmas. It has been in the works for a long time. Significantly, I submitted it a year to the day that Margie had a stroke.  Yesterday I also went to the church like I did before we had a pastor, to sit there and be of any help I could. Our pastor is presently out of his office for a few days. It was my way of honoring Margie. She was thrilled I could help in any way.  Thanks for praying.  

Tuesday, October 9, 2018


Romans 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.(RP)

Oh how great to trust God's sovereignty and His providence Divine,
And to know He leads me daily with all the troubles that are mine.
He has a reason for each thing knowing best how to direct my way,
Cheer up fellow Christian, let God do His work, as you trust Him day by day.  (RP)

A year ago today as I had said goodbye to Margie, and reaching for the door knob to go into the garage to the car, something happened I will never forget. I was going to church to sit there to be of any service to any who may need my help. We had no pastor at that time. With hand on the door knob I looked up and Margie was looking in my direction, talking, but forming no understandable words. I looked at her and said, "Oh honey, you are having a stroke." I called 911, they examined and took tests, and she left the house for the last time. I wanted her to get that well-known shot that helps stroke victims. There is about a two hour window, I believe, where, if administered, will give quality life to the patient. In the first hours, the therapist was already putting her through speech therapy, but I could tell her communication ability was fading quickly. The whole scene is pretty tender to me, and I am in tears as I write this. But through it all I was aware Margie and I served a sovereign God who makes no mistakes. How sweet to trust Him. Thanks dear friends for your faithful prayer support to me. It means so much. 

Monday, October 8, 2018


Therefore  Come out from among them And be separate, says the Lord. Do not touch what is unclean, And I will receive you  2 Corinthians 6:17

Clean living is God's plan for His own, and the guidelines are  clear and plain,
Get away from that which is unholy, and never touch the profane.
When you separate yourself as directed, and follow His wise command
,You will know the sweet peace that surrounds you, as you follow what He planned. (RP)

One of the requests of my book publisher, Xulon, is to submit to them the media services I have, in order to help advertise my future book. There is a problem. I opened years ago a Facebook account for Margie, at the requests of a pastor's wife in California, so they could correspond. Margie never did really get into that, so I added my picture to hers on the site. Later I opened one for me, thinking I would be able to sell some books. That adventure never took root. I opened two others later, LinkedIn and Twitter. I really never used any of them much. Through the years several friends, including a  number from Brazil, have communicated via Margie's Facebook. Now that she is gone, I have tried to transfer the communicators to my site and close hers. Well it has turned out to be more than I know how to do, even after following the wise counsel of some. I am just going to send off what I have and  hope it works. Thanks for praying.

Sunday, October 7, 2018


The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold. Psalm 18:2

We need strong foundations in everything, especially in spiritual things,
And how great to know the Lord is my Rock, what a thrill to my heart this brings.
And yes He's my Fortress to shelter me well, and keep me secure in His place.
All of this He gives, because of His wonderful grace.
When the enemy attacks, He delivers me; what a refuge for my soul,
With His shield I'm protected and my salvation is sure--all beneath His control.  (RP)

After surgery, I soon realized that I was in a routine that would not allow me to remain in bed too long in the morning. That has become my morning routine. Up before six, make the bed, get myself ready, then head to my laptop to do the blog.  Then, morning devotions, followed by cream of wheat.  As soon as that is finished I do the regular 8:00 AM infusion. Right after the infusion, I do my 50 rounds of swallow and speech therapy.  By this time I am getting closer to 9:00 AM.  I complete this morning schedule with a 70 routine shoulder therapy.  There you have it. You can see my mornings are pretty well  taken care of. By 11:30 I am gearing up for the noon infusion, therapy and afternoon activities, hoping there is time to get some other things done. I'll talk about my eating schedule some other day. Thanks so much for praying. Yesterday my son and daughter-in-law visited me. What a delightful time that was.

Saturday, October 6, 2018


To Him all the prophets witness that, through His name, whoever believes in Him will receive remission of sins.  Acts 10:43

The Bible preaches the gospel, it's as clear as the prophets declare,
Remission of sin for the sinner, is there for those who prepare. 
Trust Jesus as personal Savior and experience forgiveness, my friend.
The result will be joy forever, peace, contentment and life without end. (RP)

I have a lot to look forward to in life. Today is one of those times. Rawlie sent me a text that they will be coming to take care of some business in Ferndale, and while here will come by for a visit. How nice for me, and so thoughtful of them. It is natural that I have seasons of loneliness. Thankfully I have so much to do, that it never gets me down. I am so happy to have the health, and determination to do the things before me, and I am so very grateful for a family that does think about and care for me. They are the best. Thank you for  your prayers.  The Bible class yesterday was such a blessing to me and the class members said the same thing.

Friday, October 5, 2018


Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say, rejoice! Philippians 4:4  

A heart that is happy is truly blessed, God intends it to be this way,
That's why the command is given oft times, 'cause He wants us to obey.
Rejoicing can be done in many ways, but there's one He directs to you,
Rejoice IN THE LORD is His word to you; Do it and have joy through and through. (RP)

I never dreamed when I started the Bible class years ago at the Ferndale Senior Activity Center, that it would still be going. For eleven years I had to turn it over to others. When our work for Shepherds ended, I was asked to teach it. It has been a blessing through the years. Our number is not as large as before, but on any Friday we may have as many as thirty-six attending.We are presently in the book of Esther. Thanks for praying. 

Thursday, October 4, 2018


I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.  Phil 4:13

The enabling power of Jesus helping all who are His own,
Giving help for God honoring efforts, knowing always we're not alone.
His strength is so assuring and his presence a comfort indeed,
So with courage we face each challenge knowing this promise is guaranteed.(RP)

When I started speech therapy many months ago, I was instructed about the necessity of oral hygiene. Given the fact that I am prone to aspirate liquids into my lungs, they told me that brushing the teeth often was a MUST.  As time passed, they added four times a day to my schedule to ingest semi  liquid-type food.  These are things that don't include watery things like soup, etc. So, I brush my teeth often. You cannot even imagine how many tubes of toothpaste I have used, with the eight brushings per day. This routine became such a part of life that one doesn't even think about it. Early on they told me that I must keep the mouth clean because of the saliva we swallow all the time. That includes brushing the tongue as well. Wow, never a dull moment, and I am glad for the Dollar Tree, where I buy my toothpaste. Thanks for praying.

Wednesday, October 3, 2018


Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons,I Timothy 4:1

It's always sad to hear of those who will not receive God's Word.
Who gave up their faith and don't respond to things they formerly heard.
How pitiful now for them to give heed, to the voice of demons out there.
 Allowing the enemy complete control and an  eternal life of despair. (RP)

It was a blessing to meet yesterday afternoon to see and hear reports of missionaries around the world. We met at the church, and Laurel Hicks had everything ready to project pictures and letters for us to enjoy. After going through a few, we pause for prayer for the missionary needs, then go on to some more. People who attend this, donate money which goes through our church treasurer and then sent to the ones designated. We were pleased to be able to help our missionary Fivos, in Alto Peru. It is a delightful way to spend the first Tuesday afternoon (1 hour) of each month. And we thank Laurel Hicks who faithfully coordinates the missionary correspondence and presents it to us. Thanks for praying. 

Tuesday, October 2, 2018


I know that whatever God does, It shall be forever. Nothing can be added to it, And nothing taken from it. God does it, that men should fear before Him. Ecclesiastes 3:14

God's creative work is done and will stand through the ages to come,
His foresight is matchless and perfect and it cannot be taken from.
The Lord has done it for a reason; in Him all mankind should  trust
And because He is holy and pure, to receive Him personally is a must.  (RP)

I thought I was ready to send in the manuscript for my book, but I discovered another page of instructions that gave about 9 things I still need to do before that happens. So I am trying to learn patience through it all, and get on with the project. I have a couple of other obligations that will make it more of a challenge to complete, but with the Lord's help, it will get done. Thanks for praying. 

Monday, October 1, 2018


The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.   2 Peter 3:9  

The promises of God stand sure, they will never fail.
No matter what comes or goes, they always will prevail.
God patiently deals with mankind, never caring that any is lost.
He did all that was ordained for Him and paid the ultimate cost.
He pleads with men to repent and seek His salvation so great. 
And we pray all will heed the invite, and come before it's too late.  (RP)

Last night's hymn-sing was a blessing. Perhaps three churches were represented at our church as the Sonrise Quartet sang for us. Then for almost two hours, we sang the favorite hymns the audience requested. I Think everybody enjoyed it. The quartet was good, and after the program, a very attractive snack table was displayed in the Welcome Room.  All seemed to enjoy all the goodies, and the time to visit and have a good time. We started at 5, so there was plenty time to not be rushed. It was even good for me who did not have to get home in a hurry for another infusion.  Thanks for praying.