Saturday, July 21, 2018


Psalm 119:133 Direct my steps by Your word, And let no iniquity have dominion over me.

Wise praying is the mark of God's children, so why not demonstrate?
Always stay fresh in this noble deed; never in this duty be late.
God leads us by his infallible Word; what comfort this is for me,  
He controls our lives,so from every sin and shame we should flee.   (RP)

I had a variety of things that needed to done yesterday, so that was my goal.  Important mail to get to the box, a haircut, some chores around the house, and the always-present task of thinning out the email.  I also worked more on the Shepherd book. Laurel Hicks has finished the colossal job of proofreading and editing it. Now it is my time to get all loose ends together and get it sent to the publisher. I still have to figure our a cover design, but that will come with the help of the publishing team. Thanks so much for praying.

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