Saturday, July 28, 2018


Ps 145:18 The LORD is near to all who call upon Him, To all who call upon Him in truth.

Near to You we want to be as we walk this earthly path,
Please help  us obey Your  commands and readily give You all,
Humbly we go in submission each day and learn to call upon You
 Your grace sufficient will abound to us and we’ll have blessing both large and small. (RP)

I was preparing to take my morning medication as I always do, but added the special one I must take before a dental appointment. This is law, and I have done it since my knee surgery years ago. I added water to the 4 capsules I had taken apart, because all this has to go through my stomach tube. All was going well, but this antibiotic medication plugged the tube. I was in real trouble, because after each infusion, the tube has to be flushed. Well, it could not be flushed because the medicine had clogged completely the tube. I tried all the tricks of the trade I knew, to no avail. I knew that a trip to the E R would be next.  I called the dietitian from the company from whom my nutrient is supplied, and she gave me a suggestion. I tried it, and praise the Lord it worked. I was so grateful. Many were praying about this. Thanks for praying.

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