Tuesday, July 31, 2018


Matthew 11:28 Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

The sweet call comes from Jesus, for the weary ones today,
Come to Him for rest and salvation, do it now without delay.
He gives rest beyond all measure to those who truly seek,
Come to Him with every problem, every day of every week.
You will rest in our dear Savior, free from sin and all your past,
And forever you will thank Him because what you have will surely last. (RP)

My appointment was for 1:30 pm yesterday. I received a call mid morning, asking if I could come now, because there was a cancellation. I was glad to go. It has been several years since I had a root canal. Today the technology is amazing. I was impressed with the speed and efficiency of the team. My tooth never did hurt and the work was done so quickly. The tooth was badly in need of work. I am on anti-inflammatory medication and antibiotics. I had a wonderful night, and will now have to make an appointment with my regular dentist so he can put on a permanent filling (cap) on the tooth. Thanks for praying.  

Monday, July 30, 2018

Ephesians 2:1-3 And you He made alive, who were dead in trespasses and sins. 

The day God gave me spiritual life was the greatest of them all,
And I'm rejoicing in this fact and this wonderful verse by Paul.
I was dead in trespasses and in sin, and He really rescued me,
When I put my trust in Him, from my sins He set me free.  (RP)

My family was here several times because they came for the yearly Old Settler's parade in Ferndale. We had nice visits together. Rawlie stayed in my house, the others up at the Vista house. They went to church Sunday, and enjoyed visiting with their friends and taking in the wonderful message by our pastor. They returned yesterday afternoon.  It was a very hot afternoon and it continued through part of the night. I used only a sheet as a cover most the night, but my room was delightful. Thanks for praying.

Sunday, July 29, 2018


Ps 25:5 Lead me in Your truth and teach me, For You are the God of my salvation; On You I wait all the day.

God knows what's best for each of us, He wants us to obey,
And when we do, He does great things, and leads us day by day. 
We want His truth to guide us right, and teach us what we should do
He is the God of our salvation and His will we want to pursue.  (RP)

I sent my book manuscript to Xulon Press this week. Before doing this, I had to fill out a questionnaire regarding the contents of my story. Then I uploaded the manuscript.  It is now with them. I was told by their representative that they will review the chapters and then proceed with the other details of publishing. There is still much to do. I will figure out which graphic goes with what story, and then list all chapter names with the page numbers. I also have to work with the design team on an appropriate cover for the book.  Thanks so much for praying.  

Saturday, July 28, 2018


Ps 145:18 The LORD is near to all who call upon Him, To all who call upon Him in truth.

Near to You we want to be as we walk this earthly path,
Please help  us obey Your  commands and readily give You all,
Humbly we go in submission each day and learn to call upon You
 Your grace sufficient will abound to us and we’ll have blessing both large and small. (RP)

I was preparing to take my morning medication as I always do, but added the special one I must take before a dental appointment. This is law, and I have done it since my knee surgery years ago. I added water to the 4 capsules I had taken apart, because all this has to go through my stomach tube. All was going well, but this antibiotic medication plugged the tube. I was in real trouble, because after each infusion, the tube has to be flushed. Well, it could not be flushed because the medicine had clogged completely the tube. I tried all the tricks of the trade I knew, to no avail. I knew that a trip to the E R would be next.  I called the dietitian from the company from whom my nutrient is supplied, and she gave me a suggestion. I tried it, and praise the Lord it worked. I was so grateful. Many were praying about this. Thanks for praying.

Friday, July 27, 2018


1 John 1:6 If we say that we have fellowship with Him, and walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth.

To say one thing and do another, is often the way people act,
God's Word has plenty to say about this very important fact.
Living this way is a lie, and darkness results for this one.
Confess your sin, and have fellowship with Jesus, God's Son. (RP)

Yesterday, I was able to accomplish one more step in the process of getting my book published. I made contact with the publisher, and they sent me all the information on how to get the manuscript to them. I am hoping today that can be done. I had hoped to do it yesterday, but the dentist changed my appointment from August 15 and asked me to come in this morning. This meant medication had to be prescribed and the pharmacist was very helpful and I went down last night and got it. My family comes today. How wonderful! Thanks for praying.

Thursday, July 26, 2018


Proverbs 16:3
Commit your works to the LORD, And your thoughts will be established

Some easily get things all messed up by the way they work and think,
God gives the best procedure here so that His children will not sink.
When your work is ordered by Him, your thinking greatly improves,
And when this is correctly in place, our Father definitely approves.
So you have been so flustered, because you mind is all askance,
Just remember to do things God's way and give Him another chance.  (RP)

My modified barium swallow study has been moved from July 30, to August 6.  The speech and swallow therapist had me eat a nutrition bar with the help of applesauce, to see how it would go down. She also had me take some plain water,( just a little bit),  my first since last December. She wanted to feel my swallowing process by placing her hands on my throat as I swallowed. She also did another new thing on me: she placed stretchy elastic tape which pulled upward on my larynx (voice box) to help with swallowing (possibly).  It sometimes opens up the throat more for effective swallowing. It actually did help, I noticed. The tape this morning is making my neck pretty itchy, so I may remove it. She also found a scar tissue on my neck where the "T" comes together (with the sternotomy). I am to massage this tissue with vitamin E lotion and see if it reduces. She is concerned that this could affect the swallowing process also. Thanks so much for praying.

Wednesday, July 25, 2018


My help comes from the LORD, who made heaven and earth. 
Psalm 121:2

Our helper is a helper indeed; He made heaven and earth,
And I can say it is wonderful; and more since my rebirth.
When Jesus saved me all became new; now I trust in Him,
And how great to come to him when things are bright or dim.  (RP)

The church board met last night in my house. I had the water coolers going, so it was nice in cool in the room where we met. There are some serious needs for prayer. A small boy yesterday got his dad's nail machine and had to be flown to Seattle for medial help. His name is Dakota. Our former pastor's wife, Sue Lunsford needs our prayer as her cancer treatment has left her terribly weak. A former member of our church, Marilyn Rienstra was in emergency yesterday, and they diagnosed her with cancer in several parts of her body. My how we need to hold these people before the Lord. Thanks for praying.

Tuesday, July 24, 2018


Psalm 103:1 Bless the Lord, O my soul; and all that is within me, bless His holy name!

We come into the presence of the Lord and give Him praise,
With heart and soul and all we have, to Him our voices raise.
All we have and are belong to Him, and we bless His holy name,
And desire with our whole heart His goodness and love to proclaim.  (RP)

Keeping cool is important during these hot days. Fortunately, as a child, I watched my parents and grandparents and uncle keep their Phoenix homes delightfully cool in the summer. Evaporation coolers are what they used. Now, I have several of them in my house. The main room to keep cool, as far as I am concerned, is the bedroom. Here is how it worked last night.  The house was registering 81 degrees inside. So my bedroom was hot.  I filled the cooler with water, opened the sliding door in my bedroom, and also the bathroom window. This created a cross ventilation situation. As the hot air was drawn through the wet filters of the cooler, it cooled down considerably. By the time I went to bed, the temperature was 70 degrees.  From 81 to 70 on a hot day really feels good. Thanks for praying. 

Monday, July 23, 2018


For whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted. Luke 14:11

If you want to be a big shot, don't play around with God.
He does not care for braggers; they are very much slipshod.
Our Father likes humility; He honors this the most,
And is pleased much more than hearing a vain and empty boast.  (RP)

Yesterday church was at Hovander Park in Ferndale. A pretty good crowd assembled from two churches to fellowship and worship. The weather was superb, with a gentle breeze keeping all cool. We heard from all the campers and counselors who were at Camp Gilead the week before. It was as blessing to hear them. Then pastor Kiyle gave a message. After the message, most enjoyed the delicious food which people brought. I visited, then left for home so I could infuse my meal, as I always do. It was a fun and blessed morning at the park. Thanks for praying.

Sunday, July 22, 2018


John 8:29 And He who sent Me is with Me. The Father has not left Me alone, for I always do those things that please Him. 

The Father sent the Son, and was with Him all the way,
He never left Him lonely for He was with Him every day.
He did what we cannot do, and that is to please Him in every way.
We may not achieve this goal, but at least the right attitude display.  (RP)

Since I have been alone, my family has many times dropped in to check on me. Rawlie sometimes does his work at my house, a privilege which his boss encourages. Yesterday my family had business matters to care for in Ferndale. While here, they came by for a visit. It was fun having them here. I am grateful for their attention and love. I also appreciate so much the prayer support many give me.

Saturday, July 21, 2018


Psalm 119:133 Direct my steps by Your word, And let no iniquity have dominion over me.

Wise praying is the mark of God's children, so why not demonstrate?
Always stay fresh in this noble deed; never in this duty be late.
God leads us by his infallible Word; what comfort this is for me,  
He controls our lives,so from every sin and shame we should flee.   (RP)

I had a variety of things that needed to done yesterday, so that was my goal.  Important mail to get to the box, a haircut, some chores around the house, and the always-present task of thinning out the email.  I also worked more on the Shepherd book. Laurel Hicks has finished the colossal job of proofreading and editing it. Now it is my time to get all loose ends together and get it sent to the publisher. I still have to figure our a cover design, but that will come with the help of the publishing team. Thanks so much for praying.

Friday, July 20, 2018


Colossians 2:9,10For in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily; and you are complete in Him.

The richness of Christ is here portrayed; it's profound beyond degree,
We look to Jesus and see God; what a joyous thought that brings to me.
All we want or even imagine is ours, because Christians are His own,
So no matter what may befall us, we know that we are never alone.
With Jesus as our Savior we have everything we could ever need,
And this makes me grateful and I know that with Him I'll succeed.  (RP)

Yesterday approval was given by my health insurance company, so I describe what will happen here.  On July 30, at 10:30am, at St. Joseph hospital in Bellingham, WA., I will have a Modified Barium Swallow Study.  I have done several before this, or ones similar, and never passed any of them. ALWAYS, liquid escaped, and went down my windpipe into my lungs. I have been doing special exercises for over 6 months, trying to strengthen all those muscles that control the swallowing process.  The upcoming test will tell them on my first attempt to swallow, if it works or not. You have prayed much for me, and I appreciate it so much. I have never felt the need of it more than for that test. I just want God's will to be done. Thanks for praying. 

Thursday, July 19, 2018


Psalm 8:9   O LORD, our Lord, How excellent is Your name in all the earth  

The Name above all names is the one before us today,
The Lord, mighty in works who does more than we can say.
No other name matches His, and He is our Savior and Lord,
So trust Him and serve Him the rest of your life; He is our great reward. (RP)

Now it is up to me to get my book finished and off to the publisher for the first review. Laurel Hicks, editor, delivered the final pages yesterday. Now it is my responsibility to make all corrections, and get the manuscript sent to them.  I still have considerable work on it, because my very sharp editor found several duplicates in what I sent her. Besides that, some stories were so similar because they contained the same information, therefore making them duplicates also. All this shows the value of having a reliable person doing the editing. I am thankful I do. Thanks so much for praying. 

Wednesday, July 18, 2018


Psalm 143:10 Teach me to do Your will, For You are my God; Your Spirit is good. Lead me in the land of uprightness.

I hope you are willing to be taught, because God wants it this way,
Ask Him to teach you to do His will, and begin this very day.
He is willing to do this, and we know His way is always the best,
So making this decision is great, and we know we will be blessed.
Ask God to lead you always in His perfect place of peace,
And the benefits will follow and your joys and peace increase.  (RP)

This is progress. When I started seven months ago I was instructed to infuse 8 cartons of nutrient into my stomach each day. That went on for months. Then a short time ago I was reduced to seven. Two days ago the dietitian at Coram, the firm that provides me with the nutrients and all medical helps to keep the Peg-tube functioning properly, instructed me to reduce my intake to only 6 cartons per day. All this is because I am adding calories to my diet by oral feedings. It is an interesting journey and is exciting. Thanks so much for praying.

Tuesday, July 17, 2018


Psalms 20:7
Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God.

Men trust in all sorts of things, as they go through life down here,
And most forget God in the process, and that's why there's so much fear.
Thank God we can trust in the Lord, allowing Him to lead in our lives,
And the one who lets Him lead will always tell you he thrives. (RP)

Yesterday was another warm one. I am so glad for the swamp coolers. I have three. Rawlie is using one, especially for his work at the dining room table. In the evening I turn the one in my bedroom on, in front of the sliding door, then open the bathroom window and shut the door to the hallway. By the time I go to bed, the temperature has dropped from 80 degrees to 70 or lower. That is a refreshing temperature compared to the rest. I am thankful we learned how to use them years ago. They are extremely economical to run also. They only require from me, the job of keeping them filled with water.  Thanks for praying. 

Monday, July 16, 2018


Revelation 21:4

 And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away.”

Oh the joy of looking upward to our home beyond the skies,
When we see our Savior, Master, and look into His eyes.
God's handkerchief will be busy, on that blessed future day,
When with love and great compassion he will wipe our tears away.
Graveyard markers will be history cause all death has had its end,
No more pain or sorrow will touch us and eternity with Him we'll spend.  (RP)

Margie would have had her 88th birthday today.  The two items (and flowers - not shown) in the picture are what were brought to her room at St. Joseph Hospital as we were saying goodbye to her. My poem (above) expresses my heart about all this. Of course I miss her, but she suffered much and she really wanted to go HOME.  Rawlie is with me today, and we have talked about this. I thank him and his dear family for all their love and attention. And this applies to YOU too, for so many have supported me. Thanks SO MUCH for your prayers.

Sunday, July 15, 2018


Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.

God's thoughts of us are warm today, as He thinks of you and me, 
He thinks no evil, but only peace, as He gives this sweet decree.
He has a plan for each of us and will move us gently along,
And by His grace our hope is sure because to Him we belong. (RP)

I am getting one step closer to publishing my next book. Laurel Hicks is doing another reading of the text. I am so glad she is. It is amazing how many things are found no matter how many times it is read. I prepared my laptop to download the iCloud, then she sent the corrected part to me. I will be working on this, then when she finishes the second half of the manuscript, I will send it to the publisher for their first evaluation of the product. Thanks so much for praying. 

Saturday, July 14, 2018


Ephesians 4:29  Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers.

Be careful little mouth what you say, is more than just a song,
It is a command from God, and keeps us from doing wrong. 
Christians who encourage others, are doing their Father's will,
Which edifies the recipients and helps them God's will to fulfill. (RP)

Yesterday was my odds and ends day. There were several things I wanted to get done, so after the never-ending routine of therapies, I worked on that. Bathroom cleaning, checking on the water cooler I am trying to waterproof, some book work, and several other things. Mixed with all this was sort of a relaxed attitude, because it was the end of the week, and I was not in a hurry. I was thankful I could use text messaging to help some, answering questions about concerns. Thanks for praying.

Friday, July 13, 2018


You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons too; you cannot have a part in both the Lord's table and the table of demons. 
1 Corinthians 10:21

God demands allegiance from those who call Him Lord,
There cannot be confusion; all must be of one accord.
If you call yourself a Christian, then be sure to live for Him, 
Do not dabble with the world's lot, or else things will be dim.
Live for Jesus every day, putting Him first in all you do,
Then you'll have His blessing always, in all that you pursue.  (RP)

Three or four years ago I purchased an evaporative cooler. It has served me well.  Two weeks ago, Rawlie noticed a wet spot on the rug beneath it. Yes, it was leaking. Yesterday I dismantled it and was surprised because it is plastic. No rust here. So I bought a spray can of Flex Seal and will try to get the leaked plugged up, wherever it is. It takes 48 hours to cure, so I am glad I have other coolers to help with the heat control. Thanks for praying.  

Thursday, July 12, 2018


Matthew 5:16  Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.

You can only shine for Jesus when His light is in your heart,The only way you do this, is when with Jesus you make your start.He's the light of the world and wants to live in you,So give Him your life right now and have peace like you never knew.As Christians we shine for Jesus, letting His light shine brightly to all,When the lost see our works for the Master, they will then upon Him call.  (RP)

The reason I do extensive therapies for all the muscle groups in my throat, is because of aspiration. The swallow test is given to determine this. I have failed several of them. What does that mean? It means when I swallow, liquids are aspirated into my lungs. There are things I must do to help in this problem. First there are the therapies I do thrice daily.  Oral hygiene is essential, therefore demanding brushing the teeth and tongue at least eight times a day.  This  precaution is necessary to eliminate as much disease to enter the lungs. Can you imagine how many tubes of toothpaste I have used?  This life is not boring. I thank you all for praying. 

Wednesday, July 11, 2018


Psalm 46:10  Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!

Everyone is so busy; not many have time for God,
Some put on a mask, and present another facade.
God tells His own to be still, and truly know His ways,
In this we really learn, and are genuinely amazed.
Help me today to honor You, giving You ample time,
When I do I will rise indeed to a new level sublime.  (RP)

My speech/swallow therapist started our session with giving me a lightly toasted slice of bread with applesauce on it. It was the first time I had eaten bread since last December. She was encouraged with my progress. She ordered a referral from my doctor so I can have a swallow test as soon as possible. Please join me in prayer about that test. Thanks for praying.

Tuesday, July 10, 2018


Psalms 7:1
O LORD my God, I take refuge in you; save and deliver me from all who pursue me,

The forces of evil are against us; we cannot escape their work,
But praise God we have recourse;we must not this option shirk.
The Lord is our place of refuge, ready to help us right now,
So come to Him without delay and at His feet humbly bow.  (RP)

It is amazing how much physical therapy helps one. When I developed the rotator cuff tear, the pain was pretty severe. The doctor ordered P.T., because he would not operate. I had doubt about its effectiveness, but with time I now see the value of it. I can raise my left arm, use it almost normally, and usually get through the night without too much discomfort. The therapist said it is because of my rigid schedule of therapy I do twice daily.  I have been at it for many weeks, but it is worth every bit of time invested.  Thanks for praying. 

Monday, July 9, 2018


Trust in the LORD with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.  Prov 3:5-6

The world wants to know the road they should take in the decisions of every day,
Believers in Jesus already know that in Him, the answer's on the way.
With our heart fully trusting for the answers we need, we know God will surely hear,
And never rely on your own understanding, it will fail you and not even come near.  (RP)

Our church was blessed yesterday by having David and Christie Sommers and their daughter Kayle in our service. They gave an excellent report of their work in Indonesia. I had missed a Sunday due to a cold, so was glad to be back again. I visited with folks before and after the service, and welcomed two new ones who were visiting. The rest of the day was spent in my feeding routines, plus many therapies for swallowing and shoulder problem. Thanks for praying. 

Sunday, July 8, 2018


As far as the east is from the west, So far has He removed our transgressions from us.  Psa 103:12

When God forgives sin He does a great job, no one can equal His work,
We are grateful for His wonderful grace and this duty He does not shirk.
From the east to the west is a mighty long way that no one can dispute,
And God removed our sins like that, because His forgiveness is absolute. (RP)

I went to Lynden to my family doctor yesterday morning to have my eye checked. It was itchy, scratchy and uncomfortable.  I was given a prescription and went to the pharmacy to pick it up. As often happens, the delay would be about 20 minutes. I had already been gone from home for two and half hours, so I went home. Later I returned to get it. I had visitors in the afternoon, and that was appreciated.  This morning I look forward to going to church, because I missed last Sunday due to a cold I had. Thanks so much for praying. 

Saturday, July 7, 2018


Nehemiah 8:10b;......for the joy of the Lord is your strength

The source of joy for some, is from the things possessed,
But in the end most feel let down and so depressed.
God's way is so much better and surely gives one joy, 
Rejoice in God's gift of joy, and your strength no one will destroy. (RP)

Going through eleven years of pictures looking for appropriate ones to put in my Shepherd book, was a delightful experience. With it also came some emotional moments.  Pictures of Marge popped up occasionally that brought precious memories.  I was also trying to find a picture of our latest truck and trailer (fifth wheel) for the publisher's design team to help me come up with a theme for the cover of the book. That all is still future, but at least I have some pictures to submit. Rawlie left yesterday afternoon, and it was so nice having him here those days.  And I thank YOU for praying.

Friday, July 6, 2018


Heb 12:2 looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.

Our Savior did much for us when He died on the cross for our sins,
Whoever invites Him into their life, we know that person wins.
The Author and finisher of our faith, no other has ever done so much,
The world ties to make it to heaven, but without Him they cannot find such.
Jesus' died on the cross and rose from the tomb, now with the Father above, 
We give Him praise for all He's done for us, because of His great love. (RP)

This is not a complaint.  I have been having a discomfort in my left eye. I used eye drops for relief, and it helped a little. Then it got more intense, with itching and aching, making me feel pretty lousy. I called for an appointment. My doctor is on call Saturday, so I will then get this thing resolved, hopefully.  I had a full day yesterday, looking for more graphics for my book. This may have aggravated the eye situation.   I am enjoying so much Rawlie's company these days. He keeps busy, working many hours a day for his company. Thanks for praying.

Thursday, July 5, 2018


No longer do I call you servants, for a servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all things that I heard from My Father I have made known to you.John 15:15

In God's Word we are called servants, But here, Jesus adds one more, 
To be His friend is better, and this relationship we must not ignore. 
Jesus reveals the Father to us, and that's because we are His friends, 
And this union is so precious and through Christ it never ends. (RP)

Last night there was plenty of "bang", and we are sure they cost a lot of bucks. It was noisy. Some literally shook the house. Rawlie arrived earlier, and it is nice to have him here. We both made it through the night okay, even with all the noise. It was warm yesterday, but my water cooler fan, cooled down my bedroom to around 68 degrees. The sleeping was wonderful. And other water cooled fans, kept the family room delightful all day. Rawlie is already at work in the dining room, and it is early in the morning.  Thanks so much for praying. 

Wednesday, July 4, 2018


John 8:36 Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed.

Independence Day speaks of freedom for us all,
And I pray that on this special day upon the Lord we'll call.
Those in Christ are free indeed and this we can't deny,Spiritual freedom is precious indeed and comes from God on high.
If you are lost without Christ, my friend, come, get salvation today,
By trusting what Jesus did for you, and you'll be free without delay.  (RP)

I've listened to a patriotic program this morning, that gave all the glory to our Lord. It was a secular station, and I was pleased and blessed to hear it. I am so glad I feel better today. Yesterday I had to go get some groceries. When I returned, I was happy to get in the Lazy Boy recliner. I was able to get some other work done yesterday for which I am pleased. I trust you all have a safe day. Last night it was noisy here, but I slept well anyway. Thanks for praying.

Tuesday, July 3, 2018


Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.

Letting Christ's Word dwell in you, means it must be faithfully obeyed,
His Word in you is a wonderful thing, the finest that can be displayed.
If you do these things God prepares your heart, teaching you how to serve,
With His wisdom in you,you'll help others soon and they, your life will observe.
Sing spiritual songs with grace in your heart, and the Lord will be honored for sure,
What a joy it is to serve others each day and the joy that your life is secure. (RP)

For you have followed my sickness, will rejoice with me, I hope, that I was sick for a week.  Now I believe I am on the mend. What a great night of sleep I had. I am thankful to the Lord. Even though I tried to keep doing things around the house those days, it was not easy. I sincerely appreciate all who prayed for my improvement. Thanks for praying.

Monday, July 2, 2018


You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength. Deuteronomy 6:5

 God wants our love but not half-hearted love;we must do it with all our might,
And when exercised thus for our Savior's sake, It is for Him, pure delight,
So with strength that He gives, let us Love the Lord, with conviction from our heart,
And we know that the Lord will be honored for sure, because we really did what was smart.

It appears I am finally returning to normal. This morning I feel like I had my best night. I am thankful. I will take it easy today and monitor my condition, and hopefully get back to full normal soon. I sincerely thank all who are praying.

Sunday, July 1, 2018


I know that whatever God does, It shall be forever. Nothing can be added to it, And nothing taken from it. God does it, that men should fear before Him. Ecclesiastes 3:14

God's creative work is done and will stand through the ages to come,
His foresight is matchless and perfect and it cannot be taken from.
The Lord has done it for a reason; in Him all mankind should  trust
And because He is holy and pure, to receive Him personally is a must. (RP)

Since Tuesday, I have tried to help myself get over this head cold. Last night I found some medication, that had not expired and during the night took two doses of it.  I am pretty well tired out now, due largely to the effects of the product, that leaves one sleepy.  I don't mind that. I just want to feel better. We'll see if today is better than yesterday. I hope so. Thanks so much for praying.