Monday, February 5, 2018


So we may boldly say;The LORD is my helper; I will not fear. What can man do to me?    Heb 13:6

Oh how wonderful to serve the Lord and trust Him day by day,
Leaning trustingly upon Him as I walk along the way.
He is our greatest Helper and trusted Friend indeed.
And with Him no fear assails me and with Him we will succeed.  (RP)

Rawlie was here for the weekend.  I am thankful for his help. He will be ordering more "meals" for my tube feeding. My neighbors took out the recycle material for me Friday.  Char and Helen Boraker came another time to put clean sheets on my hospital bed. The list goes on and on. I had never had major surgery before, so did not know how helpless one can be without help. I am grateful for all who help in MANY ways. And I appreciate all who PRAY for me.

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