Wednesday, November 15, 2017


For I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content.  Philip.1:11

It’s hard to learn this lesson, Lord for we who are so weak,
But give us faith & courage, Your will to always seek.(RP)

We arrived at Virginia Mason in time for our scheduled appointments. The first surgeon explained how things were in my throat. NOT GOOD. The mass, growth goiter, or whatever you desire to call it, is pushing against wind pipe, esophagus, etc, etc. He thought it best to wait until the New Year to do surgery, but I must have it done. The next surgeon's nurse found an irregularity in my heart and ordered an EKG. After that I was sent to a cardiologist. She, Dr. Harper put me on blood pressure medicine and ordered a stress test, etc., in December. SO, for the first time in my 86-1/2 plus years, I am on prescription medication. So to say I am not taking prescription medication ended yesterday. I am not worried, upset or wringing my hands over these things. God allowed me to be healthy to care for Margie. Now that she is gone, it's my turn to face these issues. I take them cheerfully from the Lord. Thanks for praying. We were able to witness Jesus Christ to those who cared for me yesterday. It was rewarding. 

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