Monday, November 6, 2017


Oh what a blessing contained in these words written so long ago,
To read that our Lord is thinking of us is something we need to know.I 
His desire for us is peace indeed and for sure no evil for us,a 
He desires a future filled with hope and that certainly is a plus.
He exhorts us to call upon Him in prayer and He promises a listening ear,

And all who truly call upon Him, yes, He will gladly hear. (RP)

I taught the Sunday School class and we almost finished chapter 10.  The morning service was a blessing with Rob Robbins preaching on Joseph. After church Jim Hively invited me to join him and his boys for lunch at a local restaurant.  We had a good time of fellowship along with the delicious sandwich.  Later at home, I went through the email and organized things I need to do today and the rest of the week.  There are many things to care for after Margie's passing, and I am trying to get them taken care of as soon as possible. With my upcoming surgery, I will be unable to care for many of these things for quite awhile. Thanks so much for praying.

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