Thursday, September 28, 2017


Luke 19:10  For the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost.

We have a seeking Savior, who came to seek the lost,
And we read in the Holy Bible how much this process cost.
How wonderful to see Him in all his marvelous grace,
Reaching out to all the nations, every culture and every race.
We praise Him now and forever for His salvation great,
And with patience prayer and gladness for His second coming wait.(RP)

We did not attend the fellowship meeting last night at church. We were parked, ready to go in, and Margie felt ill. So we returned home. My throat was not in the best of shape either, so we just stayed home. We hated to miss it. This morning we have an 8 am meeting at the church, so are prepared for that, and will leave in about 45 minutes. We trust your day goes well. Thanks for praying. 

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