Sunday, April 3, 2016


Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen..
Galatians 1:9

Careless words are easy to speak; please watch closely what you say,
Unwholesome talk is never good, and hurts people along the way. 
Let us learn to help our friends by what we say and the things we do,
And if we do, we will benefit and certainly be a blessing to them too.
Decide now to glorify God with all you do and every thought and word,
God listens and watches what you do, and will be happy with what He heard.(RP)

We hope you all have a place of worship today. We look forward to going down he hill to our church in Ferndale. Today after 3 weeks of other activities during the Sunday School hour, we return to our classes. We look forward to this. It seems April arrived so quickly this year. Could it be our age? Our weather has been delightful. Trees and flowers are blooming everywhere. And I still haven't got flowers in the front of our house. I must do it soon. Trust you have a great day. Thanks for praying. 

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