Matthew 22:37
Jesus said to him,You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.
We are prone to do things half-way instead of doing it all,
God tells us something special; please do not
We are to always love the Lord with ALL our heart and soul,
And while doing this allow Him to have complete control.
With our minds we are also to love Him; this is for us now,
And I pray we will all be attentive and make this solemn vow.(RP)
Our Friday morning Bible class went well and we came home for lunch. In the afternoon I decided it was time to install the light fixture in the kitchen ceiling. The old one was defective and flickering too much, even after I put new bulbs in it. Our son encouraged us to put in L.E.D. bulbs. At Ace Hardware I purchased it and started the installation. Then the doorbell rang and it was our grandson Nathan. He came to look at the old rug he will haul away after our flooding episode earlier in the week. Well, he asked how things were going, and I said I was installing the fixture. He took right over and finished it in no time at all. Wow it works nice! The light is so bright. We love it, and thank God for Nathan who came just when I needed him. We are thankful. Thanks for praying.