Monday, March 17, 2014


2 Corinthians 6:17 
Therefore come out from among them And be separate, says the Lord. Do not touch what is unclean, And I will receive you.

To be IN the world but not OF the world is what Christ commands today,
To do this one has to separate himself from worldly things, I say.
Touch not the unclean, and talk God's talk, in every thing you do,
Strive to obey Him all your life, and your Master's will pursue.
What joy it is to hear Him say, I will receive you my child.
And realize through all of this, my Savior upon me has smiled.(RP)

We have no complaints up here about the weather.  Today it is rainy and windy.  All this is much better than the bitter cold.  Spring is here and flowers and trees are in bloom.  It is a wonderful time of the year to watch God's handiwork in nature.  We appreciated the opportunity to be at church yesterday.  Fellowship and worship are two important parts of our lives and we are thankful Margie is able to attend the services.  In past years we spent many weeks at home. We are blessed.  We thank you for praying for us.  It means much to us. 

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