Matthew 24:35
Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will by no means pass away.
God's Word is eternal, the Bible tells us so,
It will always be that way no matter where we go.
The words of Jesus never pass away,
Next year, last week and certainly not today.
So treasure God's Word deep in your heart,
And from His commands never depart.(RP)
We are thankful for our family. They were with us on Saturday for lunch and a nice visit. Rawlie stayed and yesterday he treated us to lunch in a restaurant. We had such a nice time. He took a nap later, I made him a latte and he returned home. How wonderful to have family near us. Today we will do some necessary shopping. I will continue my Revelation preparations for class next Friday. It is enjoyable time spent in the Word. Margie had a good night for which we are thankful also. Thanks for your faithful prayer support.